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The Director of the Finance Department of Hunan Province died unexpectedly, and multiple local parties responded

Time:2024-09-20 Click:48

It is reported that the Minister of Finance of Hunan was tied up and thrown downstairs. The picture shows the information of the Hunan Finance Department building

On the morning of September 19th, it was reported online that Liu Wenjie, the director of the Hunan Provincial Department of Finance, died unexpectedly. In the afternoon of that day, when a reporter from Benliu News interviewed the office of the Hunan Provincial Department of Finance, the staff stated that they were unclear and did not see Director Liu at work.

Screenshots circulating on multiple social media platforms show that "in the morning, Liu Wenjie, the current Minister of Finance of Hunan Province, was tied up by two people and thrown from the window. He died on the spot, and these two people also committed suicide.

On the afternoon of the 19th, a reporter from Benliu News interviewed the office of the Hunan Provincial Department of Finance regarding the online news. The operator stated that they were unsure and did not see or hear any relevant information. When asked if Director Liu was at work today, he said, "I didn't see it

The reporter subsequently contacted the Tianxin Branch of Changsha Public Security Bureau and asked about the unexpected death of the person in charge of the Hunan Provincial Finance Department in their jurisdiction. The staff stated that they were unclear and did not know.

According to Pengpai News, on September 19th, an insider from the Hunan Provincial Finance System confirmed to Pengpai News that Liu Wenjie, the director of the Hunan Provincial Finance Department, died unexpectedly that morning. According to multiple people who have been to the scene, a total of three people fell from the building and have all died. Liu Wenjie, female, born in October 1966, from Lianyuan, Loudi, Hunan. Served as an assistant researcher in the Administrative and Legal Affairs Department of the Ministry of Finance, deputy director of the Administrative and Legal Affairs Department, full-time deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the department, director of the Office of the Party Committee of the department, and chairman of the trade union; Director of Personnel and Education Department; Member of the Party Group and Chief Economist of the Department of Finance; Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Department of Finance; Member of the Party Group, Deputy Director, Standing Committee Member of the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and other positions. In 2020, Liu Wenjie was appointed as the Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Hunan Provincial Bureau of Statistics. In December 2022, she returned to the Department of Finance as the director.

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