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Zhengzhou officials claim that the appointment of officials with red codes complies with procedures

Time:2024-08-23 Click:57

On August 21st, the news that Zhengzhou official Zhang Linlin, who was punished for arbitrarily assigning red codes to rural bank depositors, has taken office as the Secretary of the Party Group of Zhengzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism has sparked heated discussions.

The picture shows Zhang Linlin's profile picture. Recently, she has once again entered the public eye due to the news of her new job

According to Xinhua News Agency, on August 21st, relevant staff from the Zhengzhou Bureau of Culture and Tourism confirmed that the above information is true, but the specific time when Zhang Linlin will take up the position is "unclear". According to a report by the General News, a staff member of Zhengzhou Cultural and Tourism Bureau said in an interview that "I remember Secretary Zhang Linlin took office in March".

According to Da Wan News, on the morning of August 22, staff members of the Organization Department of the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee responded that there were no issues with Zhang Linlin's cadre appointment process, and her personal work adjustment was in accordance with the prescribed procedures. Currently, they have been monitoring online public opinion and are studying the relevant situation.

According to the official website of Zhengzhou Municipal People's Government, on August 5th, a report titled "Make City Brands Shine Brighter, Shout Louder, and Spread More" from Zhengzhou Daily showed that Zhang Linlin was interviewed as the Secretary of the Party Group of Zhengzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism.

Zhengzhou officials claim that the appointment of officials with red codes complies with procedures

The picture is a screenshot of the official website report of Zhengzhou Municipal People's Government

In the past few months, Zhang Linlin has made multiple public appearances as the Party Secretary of Zhengzhou Cultural and Tourism Bureau.

On July 9, 2024, the official website of the People's Government of Henan Province released a message from the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism titled "Launch of the Province wide Holiday Tourism Product Promotion Activity of 'Summer Cool Central Plains, Hometown Henan'". It was mentioned that on July 6, the promotion activity of the 'Summer Cool Central Plains, Hometown Henan' Henan holiday tourism product was held at the Yinji International Tourism Resort in Zhengzhou. The event is themed "Summer Cool Central Plains, Hometown Henan", showcasing Henan's rich leisure and vacation tourism products, and launching Henan vacation tourism themed routes. Zhang Linlin, Secretary of the Party Group of Zhengzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, attended the ceremony and jointly launched the event.

On May 28, 2024, the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism announced that on May 25, Huang Dongsheng, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and Lv Chengjun, Deputy Inspector of the Department, led a delegation to the Zhengzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium to conduct on-site supervision and inspection of the "Phoenix Legend 'Auspicious and Ruyi' 2024 Tour Concert - Zhengzhou Station". Zhang Linlin, Secretary of the Party Group of the Zhengzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, accompanied the inspection.

In addition, according to the content of the article published on the WeChat official account "Tourism Education Branch of China Tourism Association" (the official WeChat of Tourism Education Branch of China Tourism Association), on May 23, the 14th National Tourism College Service Skills (Tour Guide Service) Competition was opened in Zhengzhou. Zhang Linlin, secretary of the Party Group of Zhengzhou Culture and Tourism Bureau, and other leading guests attended the opening ceremony of the competition.

According to public reports, Zhang Linlin has served as the Minister of the Organization Department of the Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, as well as the Deputy Secretary and Secretary of the Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League.

Afterwards, Zhang Linlin was punished for the unauthorized "red code" incident on rural bank depositors. On June 22, 2022, the Supervision Committee of Zhengzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection publicly announced that Zhang Linlin, then the Secretary of the Communist Youth League of Zhengzhou City and the Deputy Director of the Social Control and Guidance Department of the COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters, had decided to "give red codes" to some rural bank depositors without authorization. According to statistics, a total of 1317 rural bank depositors were "given red codes". It was reported that according to the Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Action and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Action against Public Officials, Zhang Linlin was given a serious warning within the Party and demoted from the government after study.

According to Article 10 of the Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Punishment, a party member shall not be promoted or further used within the Party within one year after receiving a warning, or within one and a half years after receiving a serious warning, nor shall he be recommended to non party organizations for non party positions higher than his original position or further used.

According to the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Officials, the types of administrative penalties are divided into warning, demerit, major demerit, demotion, dismissal, and expulsion. Among them, the demotion penalty period is 24 months, and the administrative penalty decision takes effect from the date it is made. The administrative penalty period is calculated from the date the administrative penalty decision takes effect. Civil servants and personnel managed in accordance with the Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China shall not be promoted to positions, ranks, ranks, or ranks during the period of administrative sanctions; Among them, those who have been given a demerit, a major demerit, demoted, or dismissed shall not be promoted to a higher salary level. Those who are dismissed shall have their positions, ranks, ranks, and grades reduced according to regulations, and their salaries and benefits shall also be reduced.

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