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Quan Hongchan is being attacked again!

Time:2024-08-18 Click:83

The Quanhongchan incident has follow-up!

The incident of journalists insulting Quan Hongchan has been reported by Hong Kong media

Although Southern Daily reported journalist Zhu's "erroneous remarks" and stated that they will be dealt with; But journalist Zhu first deleted Weibo and changed his name, and then directly cancelled Weibo without apologizing.

This is not over yet. Suddenly, a group of supporters of journalist Zhu emerged online. One of them praised journalist Zhu as a "good journalist" and once again attacked Quan Hongchan, using even more excessive language than before!

A netizen named "Helmet Brother Single Push Simokamo" commented on the article "Confused Speech! Journalist Talks about Quan Hongchan Learning English: Can She Be Like a Baiji After Not Diving?" with emotion: There are still many good journalists, and one sentence reveals the essence of "Tang Shi" in diving.

Netizens post Weibo saying that there are still many good journalists

Netizens clicked on this netizen's Weibo and found that she had posted multiple attacks on Quan Hongchan, using extremely malicious and personal attacks. A netizen took a screenshot hoping that the relevant department would handle it, but soon the netizen followed Zhu Xiaolong's example and voluntarily cancelled his Weibo account.

Netizen's Weibo account has been cancelled

In fact, there are many people like this netizen who support journalist Zhu, some of whom are even well-known influencers. In addition to Professor Zhang Zhi'an from the School of Journalism at Fudan University, well-known lawyer Zhang Xinnian also firmly stands on Zhu Xiaolong's side.

Lawyer Zhang Xinnian believes that public opinion should not be forced to this extent. Journalist Zhu's remarks are not malicious and are purely based on concerns about the comprehensive development of Quan Hongchan.

Photo of Lawyer Zhang Xinnian participating in the event

He believes that athletes will eventually integrate into society and become self-sufficient. Journalist Zhu's evaluation of Quan Hongchan is that she is a professional sports journalist who cares about the future of athletes. It is understandable in itself, and the context can better show goodwill.

Zhang Xinnian believes that athletes must eventually integrate into society and become self-sufficient

The lawyer repeatedly emphasized that there is no big problem with journalist Zhu and questioned everyone: has an athlete become a god? Can't you comment anymore?

Lawyer Zhang Xinnian's words resonated with his peers, and Lawyer Zhou Xiaoyang expressed "complete agreement with Lawyer Zhang Xinnian's viewpoint". Lawyer Zhang Jinhong stated that athletes supported by the national system have the right to comment for everyone in the country.

Zhang Xinnian's rhetorical question: An athlete has also become a god

Not allowing the person who said the wrong thing to apologize, but instead questioning the athletes who were unjustly attacked, and even attacking them in groups, Lawyer Zhang Xinnian naturally became the target of netizens' attacks, and the comment section was completely destroyed.

Netizens say that even children know to be polite to others, but this lawyer is still trying to argue and is really not distinguishing right from wrong. Some people believe that the reason why these intellectuals are so passionate is because Quan Hongchan has broken the monopoly of their generation on "external communication".

Afterwards, Lawyer Zhang Xinnian spoke out for the last time on this matter, hoping that everyone could be calm and reduce the hostility in society.

Some netizens are indeed too excited to speak ill of her, but upon careful consideration, these lawyers know how uncomfortable it is to be attacked. As a 17-year-old girl, how does Quan Hongchan feel when she hears others evaluate her like that?

From beginning to end, netizens did not intend to stir up trouble, but rather to fight for a deserved apology for Quan Hongchan.

In fact, Taiwanese media have also reported on this matter, and the attitude of Taiwanese netizens is also very consistent, believing that Quan Hongchan's gold medal was earned with her own sweat, and even if she flaunts it, there is no harm. On the contrary, this journalist has a problem with his attitude and should not use abusive language towards a 17-year-old child.

Netizens strongly support Quan Hongchan

China is a country of etiquette, and the vast majority of Chinese netizens are also knowledgeable about good and evil and know how to balance them. This matter may be small, but it can also be significant. The key is to see if the relevant personnel can recognize the mistake and sincerely apologize. It also depends on whether we can reflect on it and avoid similar incidents that harm athletes from happening again.

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