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Tesla Xi'an Brake Incident Vehicle Appraisal No Fault

Time:2024-08-05 Click:64

Tesla Xi'an Brake Door Final Judgment: Owner Li is ordered to pay compensation of 70000 yuan. The picture shows Tesla store information

Recently, the reputation infringement case between Tesla and Li in Xi'an has reached a second instance judgment, and Li's compensation for Tesla has been adjusted from 2000 yuan in the first instance to 70000 yuan. At the same time, the judicial appraisal agency commissioned by the court conducted an appraisal of the involved vehicle, and the appraisal opinion is that the Tesla vehicle's braking system is currently in normal and effective technical condition without any faults, and there is no situation where the brake pedal cannot be pressed or the braking efficiency decreases, which meets relevant technical standards.

In March 2021, Li was involved in a traffic accident while driving a Tesla and claimed that the cause of the accident was Tesla's "brake failure"; In April 2021, Li defended his rights at the Tesla booth at the Shanghai Auto Show.

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