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Official announcement: Tsinghua graduates report corruption of the director of the bureau

Time:2024-08-03 Click:94

On July 27th, a special working group composed of disciplinary inspection and supervision, organization, finance, audit, public security and other departments was established in Suzhou City. According to their respective responsibilities, they conducted inspections in accordance with regulations and laws on the relevant issues raised by Ma, a staff member of the Suzhou Industrial Park Commerce Bureau, online. The current verification situation is hereby reported as follows.

Official announcement: Tsinghua graduates report corruption of the director of the bureau

The picture is a screenshot of a video reported by Mr. Ma (image source: internet)

1、 Regarding Ma's report that Zhu and others have violated regulations in government procurement

After preliminary investigation, it was found that from 2021 to 2023, there were violations of relevant regulations in the procurement of 2 consulting projects (contract amount of 1.13 million yuan) and 3 service projects (contract amount of 7.341 million yuan) by the Suzhou Industrial Park Commerce Bureau, such as internal supplier selection and bid rigging. On this issue, the bureau provided false materials during the inspection by the Suzhou Industrial Park Party Working Committee. The Suzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has launched an investigation into the case of Zhu, the Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Suzhou Industrial Park Commerce Bureau. The Suzhou Municipal Party Committee has decided to suspend his performance of duties. We are further investigating whether there are any other issues with Zhu and others, and will handle them in accordance with regulations, discipline, and the law based on the results of the investigation.

2、 Regarding Ma's report on Zhu's academic fraud

After verification, Zhu went abroad to study in April 2003 and obtained a master's degree certificate in economics in March 2005. The "Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees and Qualifications Certification" issued by the China Scholarship Council of the Ministry of Education states that Zhu "has obtained a master's degree certificate indicating that he has the corresponding academic qualifications". The relevant information can be checked online on the website of the Study Abroad Service Center of the Ministry of Education.

3、 Regarding Ma's report of deliberate suppression and unfair annual assessment results

After verification, the assessment grades for Ma in 2021 and 2022 were determined by the Suzhou Industrial Park Commerce Bureau based on the assessment methods and democratic evaluation results. From the verification situation, it can be seen that the democratic evaluation of the annual assessment is based on the on-site scoring of the conference, and no human instructions or directives have been found. The bureau did not promptly notify Ma of the 2021 assessment results, and the situation is true. The Organization Department of the Suzhou Industrial Park Party Working Committee has severely criticized the bureau.

4、 Regarding Ma's reflection that Zhu "excluded candidates who graduated from Tsinghua University from the admission list" during the talent introduction process

After verification, the recruitment and talent introduction work of the Suzhou Industrial Park Management Committee is uniformly organized and implemented by the organization and personnel department of the park, and is not led by the employer. There is no situation of excluding graduates from specific universities. Since 2023, state-owned enterprises in Suzhou Industrial Park have recruited 4 graduates from Tsinghua University. At present, 340 of the leading entrepreneurial talents in Suzhou Industrial Park come from Tsinghua University.

The picture shows the person involved in the corruption scandal, Zhu Huan (source image)

5、 Regarding Ma's report of being hit by a car

After verification, on the afternoon of October 29, 2022, while riding a bicycle along Xinghu Street in Suzhou Industrial Park, Ma was rear ended by an electric bicycle driven by Jia (who was a bricklayer at a construction site in Suzhou at the time of the incident), causing Ma to fall and suffer injuries, as well as damage to his glasses. After being determined by the traffic police department, Jia bears full responsibility for the accident. Both parties have reached a mediation agreement, and Jia will compensate Ma with RMB 2000 in a lump sum. According to the investigation and verification by the public security organs, there is no direct or indirect connection between Zhu and Jia, and there is no situation where Zhu instructed Jia.

6、 Regarding Ma's report of receiving a phone call from the police station, informing him to "answer questions"

After verification, on July 9th and 17th, 2024, the promotional display board inside the Suzhou Industrial Park Management Committee building was smeared twice, causing the portraits of three people on the display board to be stained. The relevant parties reported to the police. After reviewing the public surveillance footage of the incident area and surrounding areas, the local police station preliminarily determined that it was done by Mr. Ma. On July 26th, they notified Mr. Ma by phone to verify the situation at the police station.

In addition, the special working group found that in the process of handling the issues reported by Ma in the early stage, relevant units and staff had problems such as lax implementation of systems, low work quality and efficiency, and simple work methods. The responsible persons will be dealt with according to relevant regulations.

On August 2nd, the special working group had a face-to-face communication with Mr. Ma and will maintain communication with him to fully listen to his opinions. Other issues reflected by it will be continuously followed up, verified, and handled in accordance with regulations, discipline, and law.

Suzhou will deepen the construction of Party conduct, clean governance, and the rule of law, continuously improve and strengthen supervision work, always adhere to the principle of investigating cases and cracking down on corruption, effectively maintain a good business environment in Suzhou, pay more attention to and care for the growth of young talents, and strive to build a fair, just, and vibrant city of good governance.

Suzhou Special Working Group

August 2, 2024

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