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I suddenly realized that I have been downgraded! Some people's salary cards have been reduced to 500 yuan, and some people are not even paying enough

Time:2024-07-14 Click:80

In recent years, with the increasing pressure of anti fraud measures, a series of account supervision measures such as "reporting to the police station for withdrawals of 20000 yuan" and "reducing online transaction limits" introduced by banks have frequently sparked discussions.

"Suddenly, I found that my transfer quota has been reduced! I can't transfer large amounts to my mother..." Ms. Wang's "roast" on social media has aroused many netizens' sympathy. Many netizens said that they have also been "reduced" recently. The topic of "reduced trading limit" has also become a hot topic recently.

The topic of "reduced trading limit" has become a hot search topic

A netizen claimed that their bank card, which they have been using for 20 years, has a limit of 5000 yuan; A netizen found that when paying rent, the daily cumulative amount limit for non counter payments in the account is 1000 yuan, which is not enough to pay the rent; Some netizens also expressed that the quota successfully restrained his impulse to consume, and some people said, 'When I think about going to the business hall to increase the quota, I don't want to consume anymore.'.

Many netizens claim that they have been downgraded

Multiple banks lower non counter transaction limits:

Crack down on electronic fraud and prevent financial losses

According to China Securities Journal, since July, multiple banks from Zhejiang, Shandong, Shanxi, Hebei, Liaoning, Guizhou and other regions have announced the reduction of non counter channel trading limits for some customers. For the adjustment objects, there are differences in standards among different banks. Some banks explicitly state that they are Class I accounts opened with the bank for more than 6 months without any business transactions, while others state that they are accounts with obvious discrepancies between the current online banking limit and account transaction records.

When it comes to the reasons for the downgrade, multiple banks have stated that it is to strengthen the management of personal bank accounts, reduce the risk of customer financial losses, and also to implement regulatory requirements for the classification and grading management of personal bank accounts. If the counter limit cannot meet the customer's usage needs, the customer can bring their valid ID card, bank card (discount) and other supporting documents to the bank branch to handle the limit adjustment.

According to Securities Daily, since the beginning of this year, banks such as Bank of China, Huaxia Bank, and Jiangsu Bank have adjusted their non counter payment transaction limits. On July 5th, Bank of China Dalian Branch and Hami Commercial Bank Urumqi Branch issued a notice dynamically adjusting the non counter channel business limit of personal settlement accounts, involving account payment business initiated through online banking, mobile banking, gateway payment, quick payment, POS, ATM and other channels. Specifically, the bank will dynamically adjust the non counter channel business limit of the account according to the principle of "matching the bank account function with the account risk level" based on account usage.

On July 4th, institutions such as Jiangsu Bank Changzhou Branch and Huaxia Bank Nanning Branch also issued corresponding notices to carry out the adjustment of non counter payment limits for personal settlement accounts. Regarding the reasons for the downward adjustment, the above-mentioned banks explained in the announcement that reducing the transaction limit of non counter channels is a requirement for strengthening the crackdown on illegal and criminal activities of telecommunications and network fraud, as well as a necessary means to prevent financial losses caused by fraud.

Xue Hongyan, Vice President of Star Map Financial Research Institute, told Securities Daily reporters that the adjustment of non counter channel payment limits by banks is mainly based on the need to prevent telecommunications network fraud or anti money laundering. Real time monitoring of account payment and transfer situations is carried out through a system model, and the limit adjustment mechanism is triggered for accounts with abnormalities. In addition, some dormant accounts that have not been used for a long time may also have their limits reduced by banks and need to be reactivated at the counter.

Industry insiders say that the adjustment of non counter payment transaction limits by banks is mainly for risk prevention. Proper limit management of accounts that frequently conduct online transactions or have suspicious transactions can help reduce customer risks and also reduce the bank's own risks.

Experts say that some of the measures taken by banks to combat fraud have been simple and crude, resulting in accidental harm to customers

It is worth noting that in recent years, bank cards have been frozen, transfer limits have been lowered and other similar events have occurred in large numbers, often becoming a hot topic of online roast. In fact, banks have become the forefront of anti money laundering and anti fraud measures, with many banks implementing measures such as freezing card funds and reducing transfer limits.

According to Interface News, Mr. Su in Shanghai had a similar experience, as his daily transfer limit for his salary card was lowered to 500 yuan without prior notice. Mr. Su called the branch and the staff explained that this was the behavior of the branch, in order to ensure the safety of the funds in the card and prevent fraud. If you want to restore the credit limit, you can only go to the business outlet to handle it.

Netizens are restricted from receiving images from the internet

There have been similar situations with other bank cards before, but most of them are used less frequently. The salary card is frequently used in daily life and is about to repay the mortgage. I cannot understand why the bank limits the salary card limit without the customer's knowledge. What should I do if I need money urgently? "Mr. Su is very puzzled.

Ms. Wang from Beijing also encountered a similar situation. When she needed to repay her consumer loan, she realized that the bank account transfer limit had been lowered, and she could only transfer 5000 yuan per transaction, with a daily limit of 20000 yuan. I have money in my card, but I can't transfer it, and my loan is almost overdue

In early May of this year, the revised draft of the Anti Money Laundering Law of the People's Republic of China was publicly solicited for opinions. This is the first major revision of the Anti Money Laundering Law that has been in effect since January 2007. The revised draft clearly and comprehensively implements the regulatory concept of "risk-based", requiring all anti money laundering entities to actively adopt preventive anti money laundering risk management measures, such as establishing and improving anti money laundering internal control systems, customer identification systems, conducting customer due diligence, grasping customer beneficial owner information, improving customer identity information and transaction record retention systems, large and suspicious transaction reporting systems, and special anti money laundering prevention measures.

Industry insiders say that although adjustments to related businesses may cause inconvenience to some users, strict regulation of financial services will still be the trend, especially in areas with high incidence of telecommunications fraud, where relevant regulations will be stricter than in other regions.

How should banks strike a balance between anti fraud and convenience? For this purpose, a reporter from the Daily Economic News interviewed Dong Ximiao, a part-time researcher at the Institute of Finance at Fudan University. Dong Ximiao stated that commercial banks are indeed under tremendous pressure to implement anti telecom and online fraud measures by the public security and financial management departments. However, there are still some shortcomings and problems in the internal management and consumer rights protection work of banks themselves. Different banks have significant differences in their practices, and some banks ignore customer experience, unilaterally emphasize the implementation of anti telecom network fraud work, adopt overly strict account management measures, and some measures are simple and crude, causing inconvenience to customers and causing "accidental harm" to many customers.

He further pointed out that banks and other financial institutions should be based on laws, regulations, and relevant systems, and should not make additional or unreasonable demands on customers beyond the requirements of laws and regulations. They should not use the filing and review of public security departments as a prerequisite for opening accounts and withdrawing cash. At the same time, banks should improve their work accuracy, fully utilize technological means, optimize models, conduct precise investigations, and minimize the proportion of "accidental injuries" as much as possible. If "accidental injury" occurs, more humane relief measures should be taken. By optimizing the workflow and combining online and offline methods, it is convenient for users to handle the procedures for lifting restrictions.

Dong Ximiao said, "Public security organs should also optimize their work concepts and mechanisms to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. Public security organs should not interfere with the normal business processing of banks beyond legal provisions, and should be more cautious about account withdrawals, limits, freezing, and other behaviors. It is recommended to extend the authority to freeze accounts to provincial public security organs and establish a supervision mechanism. Do not call or interview citizens arbitrarily under the pretext of 'I am doing it for your own good', and do not arbitrarily restrict or freeze ordinary citizen accounts. Compensation should be made for erroneous restrictions and freezes. At the same time, the procedures for unfreezing should be reasonably simplified

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