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300000 Cadillac new car experiences cliff like power outage, high-speed sudden stop, consumer demands to return car rejected

Time:2024-07-13 Click:45

It's too dangerous, I really dare not drive it. "Recently, Elephant News · Elephant Help received a request for help from Ms. He from Yinchuan City. Her newly purchased Cadillac IQ Ruige has serious battery life problems, and she requested to return the car, but has been unsuccessful.

Less than a week after purchasing the car, the battery plummeted like a cliff

At its worst, when I was driving, the range was still 78km, but in an instant, the range was reduced to zero and the car couldn't start. "On May 6th, Ms. He purchased a Cadillac IQ Ruige from Ningxia Runde Automobile Sales and Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as" Ningxia Runde 4S Store "). Less than a week after picking up the car, she found that the standard 502km pure electric car only had a range of about 130km in actual use, and there was also a serious battery drop problem. I spent almost 300000 yuan on this car, I didn't expect there to be such a significant safety hazard

Battery range from 78km to 0

Regarding this, the Runde 4S store in Ningxia explained to Ms. He that 'the battery needs to be activated through charging and discharging'. Since mid May, after multiple charging and discharging attempts at the Runde 4S store in Ningxia, the battery life issue has still not been resolved. On June 24th, during a highway test drive at the Runde 4S dealership in Ningxia, the remaining range of the vehicle dropped directly from 35km to zero, causing the vehicle to come to a sudden stop on the highway fast lane, "Ms. He recalled." This cliff like power outage prevented the driver from even stopping the vehicle on the emergency lane

Ms. He contacted the person in charge of the 4S store after the sudden stop of the highway on June 24th

On June 24th, the scene of trailer handling after the sudden stop on the highway

Manufacturers and 4S stores: Replacing the battery allows for a car return without negotiation

Afterwards, Ms. He contacted Cadillac customer service, and the manufacturer provided two possible reasons: one is that the battery has been stored for too long, resulting in low molecular activity of the battery; The second issue is the imbalance between battery modules, resulting in a pressure difference. The solution provided by the manufacturer and Ningxia Runde 4S store to Ms. He is to replace the battery with a brand new one and offer a cash compensation of 2000 yuan.

However, Ms. He was not willing to accept this plan: "I just used a new car for less than two months, and replacing the battery would greatly reduce the value of this car." Subsequently, Ms. He requested a return of the car from the Runde 4S store in Ningxia, but the other party did not agree. As of now, Ms. He's car is still parked at the 4S dealership and cannot be driven or returned.

According to the phone number provided by Ms. He, the reporter contacted Zhao Daren, the after-sales manager of the Runde 4S store in Ningxia. Manager Zhao said, 'I am busy and will call back in 5 minutes.'. Five minutes later, the reporter tried calling Manager Zhao again, but was unable to get through. The reporter called the customer service number of the Runde 4S store in Ningxia again, and the customer service said that Ms. He's matter has always been followed up by Manager Zhao, and asked the reporter to contact Manager Zhao. As of the time of writing, the reporter has made multiple attempts to contact Manager Zhao by phone, but the call has not been answered.

Official customer service of Ningxia Runde Automobile Sales and Service Co., Ltd

Lawyer: Sellers should be responsible for replacement or return

The reporter contacted Cadillac manufacturer customer service to inquire about the situation. After checking, the customer service stated that Ms. He's complaint is being followed up and handled by the manufacturer's specialist, and they will contact Ms. He as soon as there is a solution. The reporter also called the 12345 Ningxia Government Service Convenience Hotline to report the situation, and the staff said that "relevant departments will give a response in about 5 working days".

According to Article 24 of the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law, if the goods provided by the operator do not meet the quality requirements, the consumer may require the operator to fulfill the obligation of replacement in accordance with national regulations. According to Article 20 of the Regulations on the Responsibility for Repair, Replacement and Return of Household Automobile Products, if two repairs have been carried out due to serious safety performance failures and the serious safety performance failures have not been eliminated, the seller shall be responsible for replacement or return within the validity period of the 'three guarantees'. Lawyer Liang Xinglu from Beijing Zhonglun Wende (Zhengzhou) Law Firm pointed out that the problem of He's vehicle can lead to power loss, which can cause serious safety accidents and belong to serious safety performance failures. 4S stores have the obligation to cooperate with consumers for returns and exchanges.

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