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The mixed use of tank trucks and oil tanks is even worse than melamine, and the public is afraid of falling into a cancer crisis

Time:2024-07-09 Click:67

A few days ago, a survey report from the New Beijing News stunned everyone. It is reported that the mixing of food and chemical liquids in tank truck transportation without cleaning has become an open secret in the tank truck transportation industry.

After the report attracted attention, China National Grain Reserves Corporation quickly responded: In response to recent media reports about mixed use of tank trucks and oil tanks, China National Grain Reserves Corporation attached great importance to and acted quickly. Drawing lessons from other situations, China National Grain Reserves Corporation required its subsidiary oil and fat companies to conduct investigations on July 2, and from July 5, it began to carry out in-depth special investigations throughout the system.

But is this over? I don't know if the leaders of China Grain Reserves Corporation ate this mixed edible oil, nor do I know what the "relevant departments" responsible for food supervision were doing before and after the incident was exposed.

At present, people only know that there is a phenomenon of mixing tank trucks for transporting oil tanks with companies mentioned in the report, but what about other places? You should know that if there is a cockroach in the kitchen, it means there is already a nest of cockroaches. If the problem of mixed use of canned trucks is a nationwide phenomenon, the nature of the problem is definitely worse than that of melamine contaminated milk powder in the past.

A netizen named Feng Linwan, claiming to be a relevant practitioner, introduced:

The density of kerosene is around 0.77 g/cm ³ to 0.81 g/cm ³. Due to different grades, this value may vary depending on the specific type and temperature of the kerosene;

The density of edible oil can vary depending on factors such as oil type and temperature. Generally speaking, the density range of edible oil is approximately 0.91 g/cm ³ to 0.93 g/cm ³;

3. Kerosene and edible oil are insoluble. Kerosene is a petroleum product mainly composed of hydrocarbons, while edible oil is mainly a fat composed of triglycerides. Due to their different chemical structures and polarities, these two substances will not mix to form a uniform solution.

When kerosene and cooking oil are mixed, they form two separate layers, and usually kerosene floats on top of the cooking oil due to its low density.

Think about it, even COFCO dares to play like this, and there hasn't been a major food safety issue yet. So there is only one possibility, and that's how it operates, which is widely recognized and won't cause any problems.

But that won't cause any problems for the time being. A netizen with medical background, Fern Daishuangjiao, reminds that in addition to coal to oil, non hazardous chemical liquids such as industrial wastewater, plasticizers, waste engine oil, and water reducing agents can be transported by ordinary tanker trucks.

In the absence of regulation, you have no idea what those tanker trucks have been loaded with. There will be no problems in the short term, and there is always a good Dongdong that gathers together with full potential for cancer in the long term. There is always a suitable one for you:

Industrial wastewater and waste engine oil contain various toxic substances and heavy metals: lead, cadmium, mercury (liver cancer, kidney cancer)

Organic pollutants such as benzene (benzene, toluene, xylene): blood cancer - if it's just coal to oil, this is not that important.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), as mentioned last time, are skin cancer and bladder cancer cancer.

Plasticizers (such as phthalates) - endocrine disrupting effect, long-term intake increases breast cancer cancer, ovarian cancer, testicular cancer.

Ingredients in water reducing agents such as formaldehyde and blood cancer.

Edible oil is a fat soluble substance that can efficiently adsorb and dissolve other chemicals. After eating it, some parts, especially heavy metals, are prone to accumulate in the human body, leading to long-term problems. It not only causes cancer but also has the potential to damage the nervous system.

In this situation, let alone filling edible oil without cleaning, even after cleaning, if not thoroughly cleaned, harmful substances are still extremely easy to remain and almost certainly lead to contamination of edible oil. After repeated cross contamination by various toxins, the situation will only become more complex and serious.

The most important thing is that on the day cancer occurs, you have no idea of the cause, and even if you know it, there is almost no possibility of accountability.

Netizens who invest in Star Asset also strongly condemn this phenomenon and provide their own suggestions:

China's food safety has always been a global joke, and the regulatory punishment is extremely serious. What's the difference between his mother and poisoning? It's worse than milk powder melamine. It involves all food industries. Eating an old Ganma used to smell like kerosene, but this time it should be the root cause.

In the end, the whole population suffered from cancer and could only save themselves:

1. Refuse to purchase all oil and sauce products

2. Squeeze oil yourself or purchase original foreign products

3. Absolute reduction of restaurant or takeout dining

4. Low quality soybean oil is used for restaurant takeout

5. Prefabricated dishes are not even worth thinking about

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