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Tourists posted that Hainan diving was abandoned and they swam back to the shore after 2 hours in the sea. Wanning Cultural and Tourism Bureau: After

Time:2024-06-21 Click:100

"I almost died in Wanning, desperate to save myself for four hours." Recently, Mr. Jin, a Zhejiang tourist who was traveling to Wanning, Hainan, posted his experience of participating in free diving in Wanning on social media. He stated that on June 9th, he and two other students, led by their coach, took a boat to Zhouzai Island in Wanning City for a diving exam; After completing the exam, there is still no boat to pick up after waiting for 2 hours; As the sky gradually turned late, the four people were forced to bravely endure the wind and rain and swam at sea for about 2 hours before landing; Finally, he walked for over half an hour before being rescued with the help of kind-hearted people. This matter has sparked heated discussions among netizens. Upstream news (reporting email) baoliaosy@163.com )The reporter conducted multiple interviews and investigations.

No boat to pick up after diving exam

Mr. Jin, also known as "Da Pucai", has recently posted posts and videos on multiple social media platforms stating that he was forced to swim back to the shore due to lack of boat access during diving exams. He explained the reason for posting: "I am from Zhejiang, and now I have returned to Zhejiang from Wanning. Since the incident on June 9th, no one has given us an explanation about this matter, so I posted it online."

Mr. Jin's experience of being trapped in the sea while diving on social media has attracted attention

According to Mr. Jin's recollection, in early June of this year, he contacted a diving coach through a social media app and requested to take the Free Diving AIDA (Free Diving Organization) two star exam. After receiving a deposit of 300 yuan and a final payment of 3180 yuan, the coach contacted the local Ocean Holiday Club in Wanning and requested them to provide round-trip transportation services to the diving site.

At 11:30 am on June 9th, Mr. Jin and two other students followed the coach to the Wanning Ocean Holiday Club for a gathering. Guided by the club's staff, they boarded a double decker yacht named "Rainbow Kelly". "After boarding the ship, we found out that it was not owned by the Ocean Holiday Club, but by the Renwo Navigation Club," Mr. Jin said.

Around 1 pm, the yacht escorted Mr. Jin and his team to the vicinity of Zhouzai Island. The coach found that the water depth at the place where the ship was docked did not meet the exam requirements, so he asked the captain to take them to a nearby place with deeper water, and informed the captain that the entire exam would last about 2 hours before returning home together.

After waiting for 30 minutes, the captain sent a motorboat to tow the banana boat and transport them to the exam site. Unexpectedly, there were problems before disembarking. According to Mr. Jin's recollection, "The crew who saw you off said, 'You can swim back. We are very busy and don't have time to pick you up.' Later, after multiple communications between the coach and the crew member, he said he would tell the captain to come and pick you up before returning."

Mr. Jin said that the diving exam officially started at 2 pm and the boat did not appear until the exam ended at 4 pm. Mr. Jin said, "By around 4:50, I think there's a high probability that no one will come to pick us up, so I asked them if they want to swim to the shore. The coach said they (the crew) finished work at 5 o'clock and will come to pick us up at the latest at 5:30. So we waited in place until 5:30, but still no one came to pick us up."

Four people share one lifebuoy and swim back to the shore

Why isn't there a ship to pick up and no phone to call for help? Mr. Jin responded, "At first, we thought the crew was joking that they couldn't come to pick us up, and coupled with the inconvenience of bringing mobile phones for diving exams and poor sea signal, we didn't bring our phones."

The 120 ambulance transported Mr. Jin and his team to the hospital for treatment

Starting from 4pm and waiting until 6:15pm, the ship still did not appear. So Mr. Jin and his group decided to head back, and he admitted, "The situation was not good at that time. Some students vomited five or six times while diving, and their bodies were relatively weak. There were only two lifebuoys on site, one of which couldn't be used due to heavy loads. So the four of us shared one lifebuoy - I kicked in the middle, the coach pulled in front, and the other two students supported each other on both sides."

Speaking of the process of swimming back, Mr. Jin bluntly said, "It's really scary. After swimming for about half an hour, I felt the seawater turn cold and the sky became cloudy. After swimming for about 40 minutes, it started to rain and the wind and waves became bigger. At the end of the swim, I felt completely exhausted, my legs couldn't move, and I had to rely on my hands to paddle. My whole body was getting cold and numb."

Fortunately, the seawater flowed towards the shore at that time. Finally, around 8 pm, Mr. Jin and his team arrived at the shore after swimming in the seawater for nearly two hours. "The location where we landed was an undeveloped wild beach, covered in wild grass. Worried about snakes or sharp objects in the grass, we had to walk around towards a bright spot for half an hour before finally seeing a road. A passing driver surnamed Wu helped us."

Through the phone of the driver surnamed Wu, Mr. Jin contacted his girlfriend who had already been reported to the police. The police and 120 rushed to the scene. Mr. Jin and his team were sent to Wanning People's Hospital for treatment. After examination, Mr. Jin and his team were all in good condition, but were very physically and mentally exhausted, so they received fluid replacement at the hospital.

From the pictures and videos provided by Mr. Jin, it can be seen that they received a brief inquiry from relevant personnel at the hospital. Afterwards, Mr. Jin called 12345 to file a complaint, and his companions and coach also took notes at the Wanning Public Security Bureau before June 10th.

Subsequent issues have not been resolved yet

Upstream News interviewed diving coach Miss Meng, who confirmed that Mr. Jin's statement was true. She also said, "I made a reservation in advance for a homestay on the Shenzhou Peninsula in Wanning. Coincidentally, there is a PADI (International Professional Diving Training System) diving club downstairs, so I went to this Ocean Holiday Club for consultation. The club's scuba coach replied that they only do business on the Shenzhou Peninsula, and they can only arrange boats for free diving, send them on board, and then pick them up."

Mr. Jin received fluid replacement treatment at Wanning People's Hospital

Miss Meng provided the reporter with a screenshot of a WeChat chat. The screenshot shows that at 22:07 on June 6th, Miss Meng transferred 300 yuan to the coach of Ocean Holiday Club. "The water lung coach told me that the total price set by the manager was 1150 yuan. I charged each student 350 yuan, and I paid 100 yuan myself. At that time, I immediately transferred a deposit of 300 yuan to the water lung coach.".

Afterwards, Miss Meng communicated with the Ocean Holiday Club. According to Miss Meng, "The club only had two communications with us. The first was with me, expressing a willingness to apologize. The second was a Tencent meeting held on my phone a few days ago (with three students and the club leader joining), and the leader had a very bad attitude, saying that he only introduced the ship and had no responsibility. At most, he would share 10 times the compensation with the yacht owner, so the two sides ended up in a disagreement."

Mr. Jin, who participated in the second communication, said, "My demand is not to receive the so-called 10 times compensation, but to intervene through relevant departments to prevent similar incidents from happening again."

The upstream news reporter contacted the Ocean Holiday Club by phone, but the club's phone has been unanswered; The staff of our yacht and sailing club refused to be interviewed on the grounds that they were resting, and since then, the call has been busy.

The Cultural and Tourism Bureau has conducted a preliminary investigation

On the afternoon of June 16th, Upstream News contacted the East Australia Coast Police Station, and the staff said that only the individual could inquire about the progress of the case.


Relevant department staff inquired with tourists at the hospital

Regarding whether there was a dangerous situation where the ship did not pick up tourists on June 9th, the staff member revealed: "This public security agency has investigated and provided us with written records and oral information. The tourists themselves said so, but it remains to be confirmed whether the crew members said they did not pick up. After our investigation, we also asked about some situations. The ship that set sail this time is Renwo You (Navigation Club), and the ship that was rented is the Ocean (Holiday) Club. The Ocean Club does not have the qualifications to operate diving projects, so it introduced its business to Renwo You. The coach said that they only need to set sail to the diving site and do not need them to teach, so (Renwo You) set sail to send them there. The training takes a few hours, and the ship is impossible." I kept waiting and drove back, but I didn't pick them up. Around 6:30, they (actually Mr. Jin's girlfriend) We only found out about this matter when we reported it to the police. They swam back on their own. Let me persuade and sail over, but I can't see anyone

The upstream news reporter asked about the pick-up time mentioned by Ren Woyou Navigation Club, and the staff member asked other staff members around him. He first replied, "Let's wait until 5 o'clock," but then said, "They (Ren Woyou) only went after receiving the alarm."

Will the involved clubs be dealt with?

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