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Beijing police report that women driving embassy cars and shouting have immunity

Time:2024-06-20 Click:92

Recently, a diplomatic license plate vehicle caused a dispute due to parking at the intersection of Guangxin Street and Guangtai East Road in Chaoyang District. After preliminary investigation by the police, the vehicle involved was registered under the name of an international organization. On the morning of June 16th, Xu (male, 61 years old) and Yu (female, 58 years old, employed by the international organization) drove to the location and parked the vehicle on the motor vehicle lane, violating parking management regulations and affecting the passage of passing vehicles. Later, when reminded by others, they refused to move the vehicle, insulted others, and made inappropriate remarks, causing negative social impact.

For the above-mentioned traffic violations, the public security traffic management department shall impose fines and penalties in accordance with the law. The local public security organs shall take corresponding measures in accordance with legal procedures for the illegal behavior of Mr. and Mrs. Yu in raising dogs in violation of regulations discovered during work. The local public security organs have established Yu's public security violations as an administrative case to carry out work.

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