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G7 issued a joint communiqu é demanding that Russia compensate Ukraine for losses exceeding $486 billion, but Russia has not responded yet

Time:2024-06-16 Click:54

According to multiple media reports such as Tass News Agency, Russia Today (RT), Türkiye's Anadolu News Agency, the leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) issued a joint communique on the 14th, covering topics such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict, freedom of navigation in the Red Sea waters, and so on. The G7 leaders reiterated their support for Ukraine in a joint communiqu é and demanded that Russia compensate Ukraine for losses exceeding $486 billion. As of the time of publication, there has been no official response from Russia regarding this matter.

According to RT reports, the White House website released a joint communiqu é by G7 leaders on the 14th local time. The joint communiqu é stated that "Russia must end its illegal aggressive war and compensate Ukraine for the losses it has caused. According to World Bank data, these losses now exceed $486 billion.".

Group photo of G7 leaders

The G7 leaders also reiterated in the joint communiqu é that the G7 countries are determined to work with international partners to continue providing military, humanitarian, and reconstruction support to Ukraine and its people.

Anadolu News Agency noted that the joint communiqu é also stated that it had decided to provide Ukraine with approximately $50 billion in loans using the proceeds generated from frozen Russian assets.

The G7 summit opened on the 13th in the city of Fasano in the southern region of Priya, Italy, and Ukrainian President Zelensky was invited to attend. The leaders of the G7 unanimously agreed on the same day to provide loans to Ukraine using the proceeds generated from Russia's frozen assets exceeding $260 billion as collateral. Regarding Western countries calculating to provide loans to Ukraine using the proceeds generated from frozen Russian assets as collateral, Russian President Putin stated in a meeting with Russian Foreign Ministry officials on the 14th, "Setting aside all excuses, theft is theft and will be punished.".

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