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The population with an annual per capita net income below 10000 yuan in Guizhou has basically been dynamically cleared to zero

Time:2024-06-14 Click:72

At the press conference of the State Council Information Office on June 14th, Luo Qiang, Deputy Governor of Guizhou Province, stated that by the end of last year, the population with an annual per capita net income below 10000 yuan in Guizhou had basically achieved dynamic zero.

Guizhou is the province with the largest number of poverty-stricken and relocated populations in China. How to ensure that there is no large-scale return to poverty? How to connect poverty alleviation with rural revitalization? Guizhou has a heavy workload.

Vice Governor of Guizhou Province, Luo Qiang. Photo by Liu Jian/Guoxin.com

According to Luo Qiang, currently 6 million people in Guizhou are stabilizing employment outside of their hometowns. At the same time, 120000 people have achieved employment at their doorstep through the construction of over 1300 employment assistance workshops in nearly a thousand relocation communities throughout the province. At present, the per capita income growth rate of farmers in Guizhou continues to be higher than that of urban residents and higher than the economic growth rate.

At the same time, Guizhou strengthens rural basic education, allowing rural children to have access to education, and implements vocational skills training such as "Guizhou skilled workers" and "Guizhou cuisine masters", so that more farmers have a unique skill.

Luo Qiang said that nowadays, the daily life of Guizhou farmers is no longer "facing the yellow soil and back to the sky". Village supermarkets and BA are vivid portrayals of the new life of Guizhou farmers. There are still many beautiful villages in Guizhou, such as Xijiang Miao Village and Zhaoxing Dong Village.

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