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The high salary of civil servants under the appointment system has attracted attention from many places, and they can be transferred to the appointmen

Time:2024-05-23 Click:69

Recently, several regions in Jiangxi province have issued recruitment notices for civil servants under the appointment system, with the highest annual salary reaching 500000 yuan, which has attracted a lot of attention.

In early May, Chongqing also issued a recruitment announcement for civil servants under the appointment system, with an annual salary of 350000 yuan. In March, Jinhua, Zhejiang also became popular due to the recruitment of civil servants with an annual salary of 800000 yuan.

In fact, the appointment system for civil servants has been implemented for 17 years. In 2007, Shanghai and Shenzhen became the first pilot cities to recruit the first batch of appointment based civil servants in China. In recent years, the appointment system of civil servants has repeatedly attracted attention due to their high salaries.

But not all civil servants under the appointment system have popular applications. In March of this year, several recruitment positions for civil servants under the appointment system in Ningxia were ultimately cancelled due to the fact that the number of applicants did not reach the proportion required for the examination. Issues such as incomplete promotion channels and unclear renewal criteria have also raised doubts.

Associate Professor Jia Yimeng from the School of Government Management, Zhou Enlai, Nankai University, stated that applying the modern contract contract concept adapted to the socialist market economy system to view appointment system civil servants is a two-way choice for contract subjects, whether it is recruitment cold, promotion, renewal, or other issues. However, it is necessary to further reform and improve relevant institutional arrangements in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Civil Service Law, and provide more specific and comprehensive norms and guarantees for the rights and obligations of appointment system civil servants who are candidates.

High salary recruitment and appointment system for civil servants in multiple regions of Jiangxi

One place response: Those who have achieved excellent performance in the assessment can apply to become appointed civil servants

On May 15th, Ganzhou, Shangrao, and Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province issued a public recruitment and appointment system announcement for civil servants in 2024; On May 16th, Nanchang, Ji'an, and Jiujiang also issued recruitment announcements for civil servants under the appointment system; On May 17th, Pingxiang, Xinyu, Yichun, and Yingtan issued recruitment announcements for civil servants under the appointment system.

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Among the 20 appointment system civil servant positions recruited in these ten cities, the salary and benefits are mostly between 400000 and 500000 yuan per year, with a slightly lower salary of 300000 to 400000 yuan for the first position in Jiujiang. These positions all require a full-time master's degree or above, under the age of 40, and the three positions in Ganzhou also require a doctoral degree. In terms of work background, corresponding professional qualification certificates and 3-5 years of work experience may be required, and some may also require management experience. The recruitment units in these ten cities are all local economic and technological development zones or high-tech development zones, including intelligent manufacturing, lithium-ion new energy, photovoltaic, automotive and other fields.

There is no written test in the recruitment process for these positions. The recruitment announcement clearly states that "the examination and evaluation will be conducted through professional quality evaluation and expert interviews, highlighting the characteristics of the position, and focusing on testing the political quality, professional quality, business ability, and job matching degree of the applicants.". The initial term of the employment contract is 3 years (including a probationary period of 6 months), and the contract will be automatically terminated upon expiration. Implement an agreement based salary system and participate in basic pension insurance, occupational pension, basic medical insurance, work-related injury insurance, unemployment insurance, etc. in accordance with relevant national regulations. Those who meet the conditions can enjoy the talent policy of this city in combination.

A staff member from the Party and Mass Work Department of Pingxiang Economic and Technological Development Zone told Red Star News that the position targets the first level chief clerk, with a pre tax salary of 400000 yuan. The contract is signed based on the pre tax salary, and the amount after deducting the five insurances and one fund is the received amount, which will fluctuate slightly according to the assessment results. After the contract expires, if both parties agree to renew it, it will be renewed for three years, and then reported to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee for record. After 5 years of appointment as a civil servant, if the assessment is excellent and the individual is willing, they can apply to their superiors to become an appointment system civil servant, that is, a formal civil servant. But if it is converted to the appointment system, it will be treated according to the official civil servant treatment standards and will no longer enjoy the existing salary and benefits.

Zhejiang Jinhua once recruited with a high salary of 800000 yuan

The appointment system for civil servants has been implemented for 17 years

Except for Jiangxi, many places are also openly recruiting civil servants under the appointment system.

In March of this year, Zhejiang Jinhua attracted attention for hiring civil servants with a high salary of 800000 yuan. At that time, Jinhua City released 15 appointment system civil servant positions, all of which were at the level of supervisor or above, involving finance and economics disciplines such as business management, international finance, and industrial economics. The minimum guided annual salary was 600000 yuan, and the maximum was 800000 yuan. The age requirement was under 45 years old.

On May 10th, Chongqing publicly recruited 9 appointment based civil servants, including Big Data Technology Director and Chief Chemical Engineer. The recruitment announcement in Chongqing does not specify salary and benefits, and it is stipulated that if the ratio of the number of applicants who pass the resume analysis to the number of recruitment positions reaches 5:1, a written test will be conducted.

A staff member from the Organization Department of Wanzhou District, who is recruiting a Big Data Technology Director, stated that the written test is different from the traditional civil service exam and will focus more on professional ability assessment. The salary for recruitment positions is 2-4 times that of appointed civil servants, with a pre tax annual salary of approximately 350000 yuan. After joining, both parties negotiate the ratio of monthly salary to year-end salary. If the assessment is qualified after three years, the contract can be renewed. If the appointment system of civil servants has been completed for five years and approved by the city, they can be transferred to the appointment system, but this is uncertain.

On May 19th, the new Gansu client announced that the first appointment system civil servant in Gansu has officially started working in Jinchang recently. He Yingzhi, a Master of Metallurgical Engineering, has become the Senior Director of Safety Production at the Emergency Management Bureau of Jinchang City as an appointment based civil servant. The appointment period is 5 years, with an annual salary of 250000 yuan.

According to data, in 2007, Shenzhen and Shanghai became pilot cities, and the appointment system for civil servants was officially born. In 2011, the Pilot Measures for the Management of Appointment System Civil Servants were introduced, and the pilot scope gradually expanded to Beijing, Jiangsu, Hubei, Anhui, Shandong, Jiangxi and other places. In 2017, the "Regulations on the Management of Appointment System Civil Servants (Trial)" were implemented, which clearly stipulated the recruitment, contract, and management of appointment system civil servants.

What are the focuses of the appointment system for civil servant positions?

Most of them are big data, high-end manufacturing, safety production, etc

In 2017, when the "Regulations on the Management of Appointment System Civil Servants (Trial)" was released, the National Civil Service Bureau interpreted the regulations, mentioning the appointment system civil servants, stating that "the appointment formulation is aimed at meeting the short-term and urgent needs of high-level professional talents in party and government organs, respecting the laws of attracting and using high-level talents, and integrating contract management and appointment period management with the market, focusing on building a management mechanism that can enter and exit, effectively leveraging the advantages of flexible employment of the appointment system, and achieving the goal of improving efficiency and reducing costs."

Professor Zhu Lijia from the Central Party School (National School of Administration) told Red Star News that currently, China's economic and social governance requires a relatively high level of digitalization, and government departments must attract some talents with mature experience and technology in this field to enter the civil service workforce.

Sorting out the appointment system civil servant positions released in various regions, most of them focus on big data, high-end manufacturing, urban and rural planning, safety production, modern logistics, and other directions.

Jia Yimeng believes that the appointment system for civil servants, from a macro perspective, is a reference and introduction of modern market mechanisms to promote public service reform, which can provide assistance for further improving the employment mechanism and improving the efficiency of government public services. From a specific perspective, for big data Emerging fields such as AI can attract scarce talents into the civil service workforce through appointment systems, and public services and management in related fields can quickly improve, playing an immediate role.

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In the report on the first appointment system civil servant taking office in Gansu, it was mentioned that behind the heavy recruitment is the new situation and challenges of safety production faced by Jinchang City. There are over 500 high-risk industries such as mining, chemical, and metallurgical industry and trade in the city. The stock risk base of safety production is large, and incremental risks continue to accumulate. There is an urgent need to introduce high-level safety production management professionals.

Zhejiang media has also reported on Xiang Qinyi, one of the first appointed civil servants to serve as the Senior Director of Intelligent Transportation Dispatch at Yiwu Public Security Bureau. The report mentioned that evaluating the appointment system of civil servants is like a catfish stirring up a pool of spring water in the civil service team, leaving behind a group of dynamic professional "reserve forces".

Recruitment is cold and promotion is not smooth

The appointment system of civil servants advancing through exploration

In March of this year, the news of Ningxia publicly recruiting 11 appointment system civil servants attracted attention. However, in the end, 9 out of 11 positions were cancelled due to the insufficient number of applicants for the exam. The cancelled positions included Smart Transportation Management Engineer, Urban Construction Planner, International Trade and Customs Commissioner, Environmental Engineer, etc.

Previously, appointment system civil servant positions in other provinces were cancelled due to insufficient applicants. On one hand, thousands of people are competing for a popular position in the public examination, while on the other hand, the appointment system for civil servants has been cancelled due to insufficient applicants.

A senior coaching expert in a certain public service examination industry said in an interview with Red Star News that most people value staffing when taking the civil service examination. For positions with a 3-5 year contract system, even if the salary is higher, they may have doubts. "The job applicants I come into contact with usually hope to use it as a springboard to transition to an appointed civil servant, or to use this position to help expand their network resources."

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Zhulijia believes that most of the people who meet the requirements of the appointment system for civil servants are senior technical personnel, who generally have stable jobs and higher incomes. The salary of civil servants under the appointment system is much higher than that under the appointment system, but it does not have an advantage in the market.

Previously, media reports mentioned some issues with the appointment system for civil servants, including unclear promotion channels, withdrawal and renewal mechanisms after contract expiration.

Jia Yimeng does not fully agree with these issues. He believes that a perspective that is in line with the market should be taken to fully and accurately understand the appointment system of civil servants. The recruitment and appointment system for civil servants is a market-oriented recruitment behavior based on contracts and should be implemented in accordance with market mechanisms. The appointment of civil servants is similar to the recruitment of enterprises, and it is a two-way choice.

Jia Yimeng believes that the system should distinguish between appointment based civil servants and appointment based civil servants. The appointment system itself is aimed at recruiting talents for special job requirements, with a work cycle and contract duration. It is normal for contracts to be renewed or not renewed upon expiration according to the contract specifications. Some professional positions are set up based on the needs of experts and engineers, and they do not follow the promotion channels of section chief director like those of appointed civil servants.

"If all civil servants under the appointment system are moving towards renewal and regularization, wouldn't the appointment system and the appointment system be the same?" Jia Yimeng said that the civil servant appointment system is a flexible civil service human resource management mechanism that adopts market-oriented methods and mechanisms in the recruitment of civil servants, striving to achieve talent matching with salary. Applicants should not expect the same stability as appointed civil servants. Similarly, appointment based civil servants should not unreasonably envy the negotiated salary and flexibility of appointment based civil servants. The two are different mechanisms and methods of modern civil servant selection, and should not be simply analogized.

Zhulijia suggests that the standards for renewal and delegation should be more clear, with clearer regulations on which standards can be met for renewal and which cannot be met for renewal. At the same time, the system for evaluating civil servants should be improved to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of practitioners in the event of disputes.

Zhulijia believes that the current demand for many appointment system civil servants is a short-term phenomenon during the digital transformation period of society, and will return to normalcy in the future. The appointment system is a supplement to current special circumstances. "According to the actual situation in our country, the proportion of appointed civil servants should not exceed 0.5%."

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