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A police car stopped on a highway in Hubei province. After presenting his license, the man questioned "why didn't he avoid it". Local authorities are

Time:2024-05-15 Click:69

On May 13th, a video posted by netizens showing a police car stopping a private car on a highway has attracted a lot of attention, and the behavior of the police car has been questioned for retaliatory law enforcement.

The video released is a driving recorder of a private car that was intercepted, and the time displayed is near 5 pm on May 10th. It is driving in the left and right lanes, similar to a police car, with trucks ahead. During driving, police cars with a tendency to change lanes to the left honk their horns, followed by the sound of sirens. The private car changed lanes to the right lane after exceeding one truck. Subsequently, the police car honked its horn and drove forward, indicating that the private car had stopped. A passenger in the private car asked "what's wrong," and the driver said, "I don't know what's wrong.".

Video screenshot of police car intercepting a small car on the highway

Two men who were not wearing police uniforms got off the police car. The man walking in front showed his identification to the back car and questioned why the private car did not yield to the official car, which was a dangerous behavior. He asked him to show his driver's license and driving license.

Two men without police uniforms got off the police car

This video has sparked a lot of discussion among netizens. Some netizens questioned whether the police car honked after the private car failed to pass, and whether it was during official duty at that time; Are there any violations of relevant regulations when the personnel on the police car are not wearing police uniforms for law enforcement; Is it a dangerous driving behavior to intercept vehicles like this on the highway.

The video has sparked heated discussions among many netizens

The Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter noticed that the license plate of the police car is E D3 * *.

On the morning of May 14th, a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News reported this video to the staff of the command center of the Hubei Expressway Traffic Police Third Brigade. After checking, the staff stated that the police car should be a Jingzhou police car. They have reported this situation to the local 110 for further verification, and the local 110 will call back for details.

The reporter asked if the behavior of the police car in the video violated traffic rules. The staff stated that if the judgment is based solely on the video content, it is indeed true. However, due to unclear information about the road section and details of the incident, they will first verify it.

Under what circumstances do private cars need to avoid official vehicles such as police cars and fire trucks? In response to the relevant controversy, Fu Jian, the director of Henan Zejin Law Firm, believes that:

According to Article 53 of the Road Traffic Safety Law, police vehicles can use alarms and iconic lights when carrying out emergency tasks; On the premise of ensuring safety, other vehicles and pedestrians should give way without being restricted by driving routes, directions, speeds, and traffic lights. In general, the sound of police sirens is considered as an emergency mission, and social vehicles should give way.

Police cars only have priority on the road when carrying out emergency tasks. Generally, police cars will sound their horns during emergency official duties. There is a dispute over the time between the sound of the police car's horn and the failure of private vehicles to yield in the video, which can be further determined by combining other evidence. If it is indeed the sound after failing to yield, based on the considerations of ordinary people and relevant regulations, private cars should not be punished for failing to yield.

Traffic law enforcement is usually carried out by traffic police, who should wear work clothes. According to the video, the two police officers are not traffic police, and their law enforcement behavior is not standardized, and it is very dangerous to stop vehicles on the highway.

If the police violate the law, they may be warned, dismissed, demoted, or dismissed. According to Article 50 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishments, illegal acts that obstruct the passage of fire trucks, ambulances, engineering rescue vehicles, police vehicles and other vehicles carrying out emergency tasks shall be subject to a warning or a fine of not more than 200 yuan; Those with serious circumstances shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days, and may also be fined not more than 500 yuan.

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