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Why can Europe break through internal competition?

Time:2024-05-14 Click:67

On the first level of thinking, do you think that Europeans generally abide by labor laws and have complete social welfare protection.

But at the same time, there is a question, where did so much social wealth come from? So you started studying history.

On the second level of thinking, do you think that Europeans have accumulated a large amount of social wealth through colonization and plunder in their ancestors, while their descendants are just sitting idly by.

But because you have carefully studied history, you have questions. The total wealth plundered by European ancestors, calculated by purchasing power, seems to not last for so long. What other reasons are there?

So you studied contemporary economics, learned about Germany's product dumping on the European Union, France's economic control over Africa, the UK's offshore balance and European financial center, the global penetration of Italian luxury culture, the dark side of Swiss banking, and so on.

On the third level of thinking, you believe that colonialism is not over and that European powers are still sucking blood economically in various covert ways.

But because you have studied both history and social forms, you have questions about why the plunder in European history and the current bloodsucking can benefit ordinary people?

So you began to study modern political history and learned about the enormous impact of the communist movement in the Soviet Union on Europe, the rise and fall of left-wing forces in Europe for decades, and the wave of worker struggle represented by France.

On the fourth level of thinking, do you think that after a long struggle, the European people have won the right to lie flat today, which is admirable.

But because you have studied economics and politics and learned that the political influence in Europe is declining day by day, and various economic indicators are stagnant or even constantly declining, you have questions. Is this high welfare life of European people too short-sighted?

So you began to study the human social system and development laws, understanding the Matthew effect of social wealth and the chronic human diseases of social class solidification.

On the fifth level of thinking, you believe that the struggle and struggle of the European people are an inevitable trend in the development of human society, and are inevitable under the chronic problems of wealth distribution and class solidification.

But because you have studied the human social system and learned about China's large-scale wealth transfer and population poverty alleviation policies, you have questions. Is there any other path to choose from?

So you start expanding your horizons, studying the history of human civilization for thousands of years, trying to find the root causes of social involution, and pursuing a win-win solution.

As a result, you will find that what you can see and think of has already been studied by predecessors, and a large number of philosophers, historians, sociologists, and politicians have different opinions, such as Rousseau's social contract theory and Marx's capital theory. You have found that their depth of thought is far beyond what you could comprehend in school.

Finally, you begin to seriously contemplate a philosophical question: Is life in the present, or is it about sacrificing oneself to create a better future for future generations? In other words, what is the meaning of life?

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