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Netizens say they hope to restore housing purchase restrictions in Chengdu, and the Chengdu Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau responds

Time:2024-05-12 Click:68

At the end of April, the housing purchase restrictions in Chengdu were completely lifted.

On May 7th, a netizen left a message to the leaders of Chengdu City on the Wenzheng Sichuan website: "Hello leaders, I am a young and hardworking homebuyer in Chengdu. I am also a Chengdu resident who works diligently and pays social security and taxes in the High tech Zone. Now, I am suffering greatly due to the cancellation of the purchase restriction policy in Chengdu. Because the previous purchase policy in Chengdu required homebuyers to pay Chengdu's social security and have a Chengdu household registration, in 2019, I moved my household registration from my hometown to meet Chengdu's purchase policy. In order to move my household registration, I and my family had a lot of conflicts." When I was 9 years old, as long as I wanted to move my household registration to Chengdu and pay enough social security in the future, I was eligible to buy a house, and I thought it was all worth it. But now the housing policy in Chengdu is changing and loosening again and again. The current situation is that out of town homebuyers who have no contribution to Chengdu can also purchase houses in various districts of Chengdu without discrimination, and enjoy the same treatment as those who have paid taxes for Chengdu for several years

The netizen said, "I think this has greatly harmed the rights and interests of young people who pay social security and migrate to Chengdu. In the past, I regarded the qualification to buy a house in Chengdu as an honor, a proof of self struggle. But now, the policy makes us hardworking and hardworking homebuyers who pay social security suffer unfair treatment. Let's work hard to pay it off! Here, I hope the leaders hear the voice of our ordinary homebuyers and restore the purchase restriction policy as soon as possible, so that we can regain the motivation to work, work harder, save enough down payment, and buy a house in Chengdu as soon as possible!"

A netizen left a message saying that they hope to restore housing purchase restrictions in Chengdu. The picture is a street view of Chengdu

On May 10th, the Chengdu Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau replied to the above message, saying, "Hello! Your message has been received. Our bureau attaches great importance to it and now responds as follows: In response to your suggestions, we will further study them. Thank you for your concern and support in our work. We welcome your valuable feedback!"

On the morning of April 28th, the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Chengdu issued a notice on further optimizing policies and measures for the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. Article 7 of the notice clearly states that housing transactions throughout the city will no longer be subject to the review of purchasing qualifications.

At this point, Chengdu's 7-and-a-half-year housing purchase restriction policy has come to an end.

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