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Tang Si 27 points, Timberwolves win the Nuggets again 2-0, Huazi 27+7, and Jokichi double 16

Time:2024-05-07 Click:65

The NBA playoffs continue, with the Minnesota Timberwolves winning another game to expand their lead. Edwards scored 27 points and 7 assists, while Towns scored 27 points and 12 rebounds. They gradually established a big lead for the Timberwolves, who defeated the Denver Nuggets 106-80 in the second game of the Western Conference semifinals. The Timberwolves have expanded the total score to 2-0, and the third game of the series will be played in Minnesota.

The Timberwolves have Dons with 27 points and 12 rebounds, Edwards with 27 points and 7 assists, Walker with 14 points and 6 rebounds, Reed with 14 points, 5 rebounds and 4 blocks, and Anderson with 6 points, 9 rebounds and 8 assists. Gordon of the Nuggets scored 20 points and 4 rebounds, Jokic scored 16 points, 16 rebounds, and 8 assists, Hollerdy scored 13 points, Porter made 4 out of 12 shots, got 9 points and 5 rebounds, and Murray made 3 out of 18 shots, got 8 points and 13 rebounds.

Goebbels was absent due to the birth of his child, and Anderson replaced the starting lineup. After the start of the game, the two teams competed fiercely and drew several times. Tang Si suddenly fired and scored 7 points in a row. He led the team to a small climax of 9-3, and the Timberwolves took the lead. Gordon found his grip on the outside and hit two three pointers. He scored 8 points alone to catch up to 17-18. Downs and Edwards took turns scoring, and with 3 minutes and 20 seconds left in the first quarter, the Timberwolves took a 22-17 lead. Hollerdy hit three pointers, Walker, Morris, and Anderson teamed up for six points, and the Timberwolves led 28-20 at the end of the first quarter.

Reed, Downs, and Walker took turns hitting three pointers to start the second quarter. They led the team with a 14-2 attack wave, and the Timberwolves led by 20 points with a 42-22 lead. Porter and Jokic regained 6 points to stop bleeding, while Towns and Edwards worked together to score 11 points. The Timberwolves took a 54-30 lead at 3:20 in the first half. Hollerdy hit a three pointer from the corner, Edwards scored two more goals, Walker hit another three pointers, and the Timberwolves were leading by 28 points. Jokic hit both free throws, and at the end of the half, the Nuggets were trailing 35-61.

Tang Si of the Timberwolves scored 20 points and 5 rebounds in the first half, while Edwards scored 16 points; Gordon from the Nuggets scored 15 points.

At the beginning of the third quarter, the two teams each scored a few points. Anderson and Walker teamed up for 5 points, and the Timberwolves were leading by 32 points with a score of 73-41. Porter temporarily stopped bleeding with three pointers, Reed retaliated with three pointers, Jokic scored four runs with a free throw, Murray broke through, and the Nuggets fell behind 55-80 with 2 minutes and 40 seconds left in the fourth quarter. The Timberwolves made several shots and irons, with Hollerdy continuing to chase points from three pointers, Reed scoring under the basket, Porter breaking through the dunk, and the Nuggets trailing 60-82 at the end of the third quarter.

Jackson opened the fourth quarter with a three pointer, Walker returned with three pointers, each team scoring a few points. Downs hit another three pointer, Edwards broke through, and the Timberwolves led by 25 points with a 95-70 lead. Pop and Gordon teamed up for 5 points, Conley and Edwards counterattacked by 4 points, and the Timberwolves firmly maintained a big lead. The Nuggets replaced their starting lineup and surrendered, and the Timberwolves won 106-80.

Timberwolves starting lineup: Conley, Edwards, McDaniels, Anderson, Towns

The Nuggets starting lineup includes Murray, Pope, Porter, Gordon, and Jokic

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