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The collapse area of Guangdong Meilong Expressway exceeds 184 square meters, resulting in 19 deaths and 30 injuries

Time:2024-05-02 Click:68

18 vehicles trapped due to the collapse of Guangdong Meilong Expressway

At around 2:10 on May 1st, a road collapse accident occurred near K11+900m (about 2 kilometers away from the exit of the Chayang section) towards Fujian on the Guangdong Meida Expressway from Dapu. As of 11:45 on the 1st, after on-site verification, the accident caused a total of 18 vehicles to fall (no hazardous chemical vehicles, buses, and other large vehicles were found), involving a total of 49 people, including 19 confirmed deaths. 30 people are currently undergoing full medical treatment in hospitals, and there is no life-threatening situation. The collapsed road surface is approximately 17.9 meters long and covers an area of approximately 184.3 square meters.

After the accident, Guangdong Province established an on-site command center for accident rescue, and more than 500 people from public security, emergency, fire protection, health, transportation, and mining rescue teams participated in the on-site rescue.

At around 2:10 am on May 1st, a road surface collapse accident occurred near K11+900m (about 2 kilometers away from the exit of the Chayang section) towards Fujian on the Meilong Expressway (S12) in Guangdong Province. The accident caused 18 vehicles to be trapped, and 31 people were rescued from the scene and sent to the hospital for treatment. The accident rescue is underway, and the cause of the accident is being investigated. On the morning of the 1st, a Fujian netizen told Upstream News (reporting email) baoliaosy@163.com )Reporter, five family members, including my own parents, drove back to Fujian from Guangxi, but lost contact after arriving at the Lianping Zhongxin Expressway at around 11 pm on April 30th. Currently, the phone numbers of all five people in the car are unreachable, and I am very worried.

The collapse area of Guangdong Meilong Expressway exceeds 184 square meters, resulting in 19 deaths and 30 injuries

Netizens say that five family members are currently disconnected from the network diagram

After the accident, it attracted the attention of netizens. In the relevant news comment section, a message from a Fujian netizen caught everyone's attention. She left a message saying, "Someone saw a black car from Yun A 488XX Volkswagen. Can you contact me? It's my dad, who returned from Guangxi to Fujian. He arrived at Zhongxin in Lianyuan at 11:39 last night, but now he can't be reached by phone. Everyone at home is very worried. My dad, my younger brother, and sister have all gone back and can't be reached. If you see any car enthusiasts, please call me." In response, many netizens left messages saying, "Wishing you peace" and "I hope everything is okay.".

The collapse area of Guangdong Meilong Expressway exceeds 184 square meters, resulting in 19 deaths and 30 injuries

Traffic Police Detachment of Meizhou Public Security Bureau issues network screenshots of detour reminders

On the morning of the 1st, the reporter contacted this Fujian netizen. According to her introduction, there are a total of 5 people in the car, including parents, siblings, etc., and now everyone is unreachable. The last time the missing family reported their whereabouts was at 11:39 last night when they sent a location and message to the family group, stating that they were already on the Lianping Zhongxin Expressway. "After sending this message, we were disconnected, and now everyone in the car can't make a phone call. My dad, mom, and sister can't make a phone call," they said

The collapse area of Guangdong Meilong Expressway exceeds 184 square meters, resulting in 19 deaths and 30 injuries

After the collapse accident, many vehicles were stuck on the highway network diagram

The reporter used Gaode Map to search and found that there are about 200 kilometers from Lianping Zhongxin Expressway to Guangdong Meilong Expressway where the accident occurred. Many car owners returning from Guangxi to Fujian choose this route. On the morning of the 1st, the reporter contacted the Traffic Police Detachment of Meizhou Public Security Bureau. A staff member stated that the current (casualties) situation has not been disclosed to the public, and there will be an official announcement at that time. As for when the traffic control will be lifted, the staff member stated that it is currently uncertain.

18 vehicles trapped due to road collapse on Meida Expressway. Passengers: Falling vehicle caught fire, someone stopped the rear vehicle

According to Guangdong Meizhou Daily, at around 2:10 on May 1st, a road collapse accident occurred near K11+900m (about 2 kilometers away from the exit of the Chayang section) towards Fujian on the Meida Expressway from Dapu. The accident caused 18 vehicles to be trapped, and 31 people were rescued from the scene and sent to the hospital for treatment. The accident rescue is underway, and the cause of the accident is being investigated. After receiving the accident report, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Government attached great importance to it and quickly commanded and dispatched rescue work. The public security, emergency, fire protection, and health departments of Meizhou City and Dapu County quickly rushed to the scene to carry out rescue operations. At present, the dual lanes of Meida Expressway have been completely closed, and vehicles need to pay attention to detours.

The Traffic Police Detachment of Meizhou Public Security Bureau announced that at around 2am on May 1st, the Guangdong Meida Expressway (S12) collapsed on the K11+900m road from Meizhou to Fujian, resulting in a two-way closure. To ensure travel safety, vehicles need to detour from the following roads: 1. Vehicles heading from Meizhou to Fujian should exit the highway from the Dapu Sanhe Toll Station, pass through Huliao and G235 National Highway, and detour towards Chayang before boarding the highway from the Chayang Toll Station. 2、 Vehicles heading from Fujian to Meizhou exit the highway from Dapu Chayang Toll Station, take G235 National Highway to Huliao, and then take the highway from Dapu Sanhe Toll Station.

Pengpai News noticed that relevant videos showed that at the time of the incident, a vehicle that had fallen from the highway caught fire, and the fire was relatively large. The owner of the road where the incident occurred left a message online stating that multiple vehicles had fallen off the highway and an explosion was heard at the scene; After discovering something was wrong, a car owner stopped and stopped the car behind them.

On the morning of May 1st, a car owner passing through the accident section told Pengpai News that at around 18:00 on April 30th, he departed from Shenzhen and returned to his hometown in Fujian. Due to highway congestion, he drove to the vicinity of the accident section at around 2am on May 1st. At that time, he saw many vehicles turning back in the opposite direction and learned that the highway ahead had collapsed. Therefore, he also followed other vehicles back to the service area in the opposite direction and then got off the highway and took the national highway back home.

The car owner stated that after communicating with the car owners present, it was learned that multiple cars had fallen off the highway, including one that caught fire. An elderly car owner noticed the situation and quickly stopped the car, running back several hundred meters to block it, in order to prevent accidents from happening to vehicles behind.

A local resident of Dapu County told Pengpai News that the location of the highway collapse was in Chayang Town, Dapu County, Meizhou City. According to the photos provided, multiple vehicles that fell from the highway have been severely burned and are still smoking.

A netizen told Pengpai News that her friend was driving from Shenzhen to Fujian for tourism, but unfortunately fell off the highway. At that time, there were three adults and two children in the car, but they have not been contacted yet. The netizen claimed that this friend went with another friend, drove two cars, and the other friend happened to go to the restroom, thus escaping the disaster.

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