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After the M7 triple death accident in Wenjie, the families of the victims were unexpectedly subjected to cyberbullying

Time:2024-04-30 Click:63

It is said that human joys and sorrows are not interconnected, but I never expected that some people would become so numb and cold-blooded.

This topic is actually quite sensitive, and I have been hesitating whether to write it or not. This topic is like an invisible thread, and almost all those who raise doubts are careful not to touch it. A little carelessness may lead to a broken bone.

After thinking about it, no matter how much pressure you are under, you have to write it down.

Because today you were covered, tomorrow I will be covered, and the day after tomorrow you will find that no one is talking anymore.

Let's take a look at a picture first:

To be honest, when I read these words, I can feel the despair and sadness of the parties involved. The husband, children, and younger brother, almost all the most important people, disappeared in an instant.

Words cry with blood, the greatest tragedy in the world is just like this.

The incident occurred on April 26th in Yuncheng, Shanxi. At that time, the family was driving a Wenjie M7 on the highway in Xia County, Shanxi Province. They collided with a sprinkler truck working ahead on the overtaking lane and the vehicle caught fire. In the end, the poster's husband, brother, and only two year old son all died.

On the 28th, this matter finally made headlines. The family said that the car was bought three months ago. After the car caught fire, the door could not be opened (on April 30th, the family refuted the rumor and thanked the kind-hearted person for breaking the window and opening the door at the first time), and the airbag did not pop out.

What killed her heart was that she only received news two hours after the car accident, and the manufacturer's customer service even called to inquire about the after-sales experience.

The above are the words of the families of the victims, but the manufacturer provided almost completely opposite responses in their response:

The vehicle involved in the incident was an entry-level intelligent driving version, not equipped with Huawei's advanced intelligent driving assistance system, but with a Bosch solution. At the time of the collision, the speed of 115km/h was far beyond the Bosch AEB triggering range, the battery pack characteristics were normal, and the airbags were opened normally.

Actually, at this point, I cannot make an accurate evaluation of this matter, after all, I am not an automotive blogger, let alone lack professional knowledge in this area. But what really interests me, or ironically, is the direction of things going forward.

Faced with the manufacturer's response, Bosch quickly stepped forward:

The vehicle in question is not equipped with Bosch intelligent driving system.

To be honest, Bosch's response can be described as shameless. A big company, on hot search, facing netizens from all over the country, being slapped by Bosch is indeed a bit unsightly.

In this accident, many people were concerned about why the rear door handle was locked and could not be opened. So soon, the focus of public opinion shifted again from Bosch to vehicle manufacturer Seres. As a result, who would have thought, Selis gave another shocking answer:

Currently, most vehicles do not have automatic unlocking function!

In the Red Star News report, the owner's manual of the Wenjie M7 clearly states that it will automatically unlock after a collision

Originally, most people questioned the issue of hidden door handles and design deficiencies, but now the official statement directly states that this function is not available, which is shocking and shocking.

However, what is most infuriating about this accident is not just these, but also the attitude of netizens towards it, which can even be described as tearing apart.

Some people are questioning the issues in a reasonable manner and helping the families of the victims seek justice, but more of them are trying their best to defend the car dealers. I use the term "defense" to be more implicit, as many people directly engage in online violence and abuse against the families of the victims.

A woman who loses her husband, son, and younger brother at the same time would sympathize with anyone who is normal, but no individual can withstand this blow.

In the eyes of some people, the grief and anger of family members have turned into ill intentions;

Some people turn the tables and sprinkle salt on the wounds of their families, wishing to kill and punish their hearts;

There are rumors that the person committed suicide without any respect in their eyes for the deceased;

Three living people, in the eyes of some, are just a set of numbers, a set of irrelevant numbers;

Some people are even more outrageous, directly suspecting that their competitors intentionally came to attack Huawei.

Business wars do happen from time to time, but who is willing to sacrifice the lives of their three closest relatives just to smear a certain company? This is not just absurd and simple, it is simply lacking in intelligence and humanity.

There are too many angry points in this matter.

For example, in the initial statement of Wenjie, it was emphasized that it is not the intelligent driving version and is not equipped with Huawei's advanced intelligent driving assistance system. This is not like what a normal car company should say. You should know that the M7 low-end version sold 40%. If we follow this statement, should those low-end version owners be unlucky? Or is it expulsion from Wenjie Car?

If that's really the case, then why do you have to come up with a low-end version? Why don't you just come up with a low-end version!

This is no longer a technical issue, it is a bottom line issue for both responsibility and human behavior.

Why do so many big Vs not care about the grief of the families of the deceased, but hurriedly step forward to wash the floor for the brand after something else happens?

Why are so many mobs and navy soldiers still shouting "far ahead" regardless of the loss of their lives?

Are these normal?

Not caring about the families of the victims, not waiting for the investigation of the traffic management department, in the end, it's either the team or showing loyalty.

It's funny that if something like this happened to Tesla, there would be a lot of things rushing out every minute, shouting and killing.

After their deaths, they left too many question marks for the world.

And all of these require asking for an answer, just as Huawei also needs an answer!

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