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Interview: Liu Cixin, author of "The Three Body Problem": "My novel is not a metaphor for the tense relationship between China and the United States."

Time:2024-04-26 Click:86

On April 20th, the magazine published an interview with Liu Cixin, asking questions about Netflix's "Three Body Problem" series and other related issues.

Interview: Liu Cixin, author of "The Three Body Problem": "My novel is not a metaphor for the tense relationship between China and the United States."

The Chosun Ilbo interviewed 61 year old science fiction writer Liu Cixin, who is currently one of the most famous Chinese writers in the world. His science fiction novel "The Three Body Problem" was recently adapted into a Netflix series and premiered on March 21, quickly reaching number one on the global drama charts. Previously, the Chinese adaptation of the novel, "The Three Body Problem," also achieved great success after being broadcasted on China Central Television in January last year.

Liu's novels often incorporate significant events in modern Chinese history. The Three Body Problem depicts WHDGM, a socialist movement initiated by XXX in 1966 that lasted until his death in 1976. The story tells of a Chinese scientist who is disappointed that humans were unable to "purify" themselves during the WHDGM period, sending messages to aliens, and leading to conflicts between Earth and extraterrestrial civilizations.

The book was translated and published in the United States in 2014 and became widely known as the "Barack Obama Holiday Reading List". According to The Guardian, the book has sold over 30 million copies worldwide, with English speaking regions selling over 3 million copies, making it the best-selling Chinese literary work published outside of China to date.

Q: Have you ever thought that "The Three Body Problem" would be so successful?

Answer: "I didn't expect it at all. The publisher was even more surprised than me. This book was published as a pure science fiction novel, targeting Chinese science fiction enthusiasts. I still haven't figured out the reason for its success."

Question: Some people say that your novel is a fable or prophecy of real-world events. For example, some people believe that the second book in the trilogy "Earth Chronicles", "Dark Forest," depicts the tense relationship between the United States and China.

Answer: "This is not correct." Dark Forest "depicts the conflict between humans and aliens. There is confrontation, but no cooperation. However, in real life, including between China and the United States, there is both competition, opposition, and cooperation. Although readers can freely interpret this story according to their own wishes, I will not use science fiction to convey metaphors. My work is not a politically charged science fiction novel like George Orwell's" 1984 "."

Q: Have you not met former US President Obama during his visit to Beijing, a fanatical reader of The Three Body Problem in 2017?

Answer: "I caught a glimpse of Obama once, but we didn't exchange any substantive words. He asked me to send him my latest book, but I couldn't send it without his contact information."

Q: Where does the inspiration for your book come from?

Answer: "After reading an article about the three body problem in physics, I think it is necessary to write a novel around it. This problem envisions a universe composed of three mass carrying points. Although it may seem simple, predicting their future when these points are affected by their own gravity is impossible for current physics and mathematics. I think," What if these points represent stars and civilizations? "And so, the novel was born."

Q: Your work includes many elements of physics. How do you delve deeply into physics?

Answer: "To be honest, my understanding of physics is not comprehensive. I just like it. In the eyes of experts, my understanding has not yet reached a particularly high level." (Liu graduated from North China University of Water Resources and Hydropower (NCWU) in 1985, working as a computer engineer. As is well known, he has been fascinated by astronomy since the launch of China's first satellite in 1970.). When he majored in hydroelectric power in college, he accumulated knowledge of physics

Q: Do you think you have literary talent?

Answer: "It's just an average level. I started writing novels not out of a love for literature, but out of a love for technology, which led me to delve into science fiction. I didn't receive formal literary training, nor did I read a lot of literary works."

Q: Are there any books that have left a deep impression on you?

Answer: "In the field of science fiction, it can be considered Arthur C. Clarke's" 2001: A Space Odyssey ". In general literature, Leo Tolstoy's" War and Peace "has left an indelible impression on people. Its comprehensive portrayal of the historical era and profound impact on narrative have greatly influenced my creative efforts. This is a panoramic novel that depicts an era. Nowadays, many writers are only immersed in their own circles, and even only focus on personal experiences. They lack the ability to carry out grand narratives and have narrow perspectives."

Q: How do you strive to broaden your horizons?

Answer: "I am addicted to reading profound historical and scientific texts. I tend to explore Western history more broadly, especially its intersection with science, which gives me a deeper understanding."

Question: Will humans face survival threats like the "Three Body Problem"?

A: "Compared with the past, I don't think we are in a crisis of survival. Throughout history, events such as the Black Death, which killed one third of Europe's population, the two world wars, and the more serious nuclear threat have all happened. Considering these, human beings are becoming stronger and stronger, and the risks are getting smaller and smaller. Even if there have been problems such as coronavirus and the Russia-Ukraine conflict recently, we have not entered a new destructive period. On the contrary, it seems more like a return to common challenges in human history."

Q: What is the ultimate force that will change the Earth and the universe?

Answer: "There is only one force that stands out. I believe that artificial intelligence is likely to become a key technology for changing the world. Artificial intelligence mainly relies on data-driven probability rather than logical reasoning to make decisions. It has not yet the ability to dominate humanity as described in science fiction, and I suspect it will never have the ability."

Q: How do you think artificial intelligence will affect the future?

Answer: "The direct impact will be the loss of human jobs, which will require a significant shift in traditional labor distribution. In the past, when steam engines and automation machines emerged, they only pushed people towards other jobs, but now they completely deprive them of job opportunities. If we don't reform distribution, the damage we will suffer may be ten thousand times larger than the scale of the Lutheran movement (protesting against the use of machines)."

Q: Do you think China's recent policies, such as the policy of common prosperity, are preparing for these changes?

Answer: "No. The Chinese government is working hard to balance the relationship between poorer and more developed areas."

In The Three Body Problem, WHDGM played an important role in driving the story. The opening scene of a Netflix adapted film depicts a story of an astrophysicist betrayed and killed by his students and wife, which has sparked controversy. Some Chinese people feel angry, claiming that this drama has brought shame to China.

Q: Why do you emphasize WHDGM in the book?

Answer: "It is necessary to mention this event to develop the story. This plot requires a scene of modern Chinese people's complete disillusionment with human nature, and no other event in modern Chinese history seems appropriate except for WHDGM. It is disappointing that most WG participants did not repent, and the reasons behind it are still unclear."

Q: What do you like or dislike about Netflix's Three Body Problem?

Answer: "I like the part in the series that adds many characters and explores their relationships. However, strangely enough, these characters seem to have already been recognized. Fighting against alien invasion should have been a collective effort of all humanity, but it is portrayed as a group of classmates being called up to fight against aliens."

Q: How much did you participate in the production of the Netflix series?

Answer: "As the consultant for this series, I provided my personal opinion. However, due to the commercial nature of American dramas, not all of my suggestions have been adopted, and I do not need my advice."

Question: The depiction of WHDGM scenes has been criticized on Chinese social media. What is your opinion on this?

Answer: "The depiction of this series does not deviate from my original work. Isn't it even less than what is described in the novel? (Although the beginning of the translated version of the novel provides a detailed introduction to WHDGM's scenes, in the Chinese version, some of these scenes are pushed back and the content is not as extensive.)"

Although mentioning China's WHDGM is quite sensitive, director Zhang Yimou has previously produced two films with WHDGM as the background

Q: How will you describe China today in your future books?

Answer: "I believe that China is in a period of rise, similar to the United States in the early 20th century. China is a country with strong 'futurism', which means being committed to progress and change."

Q: What changes are currently happening in China and the world?

Answer: "Through the advancement of artificial intelligence, we will realize that intelligence and knowledge, once considered unique to humanity, are no longer limited to us. When it comes to China's progress, it has begun to see itself as a part of the international community. Its vision has expanded to include the entire human race. I firmly believe that China will become more open, interconnected, and ultimately integrated with other regions of the world."

Starting from the 1980s, Liu worked at a power plant in Shanxi for 30 years while writing novels. Before marrying a female colleague from the same factory in 1994, he lived in a two person dormitory. He works alone as a computer engineer on the fourth floor of the power plant. "I used to work until 1am after work, and because I had a computer in the office, my colleagues thought I was addicted to games," he said.

Q: Why continue to work in power plants after becoming famous?

Answer: "The science fiction publishing market in China is very small. By 2010 (when the third part of" The Three Body Problem "was published), I had not made much money. When submitting to a magazine, the reward for every 1000 characters was only 150 yuan (about 21 US dollars). For novels, the income from selling each book was about 2 yuan."

Q: Isn't it easier spiritually to make writing a side job while working in a factory?

Answer: "It's too difficult. When I worked in the factory, I didn't have time to write novels. As I grew older, my physical strength gradually depleted. I tried to make sure no one knew I was writing novels to avoid rumors about receiving special treatment or concerns about pursuing a second job."

Q: Why don't you live in big cities like Beijing or Shanghai, where science fiction writers may benefit from witnessing technological progress? (He currently lives in a remote city in Shanxi Province.)

Answer: Science fiction master Arthur C. Clark lived his entire life in a fishing village in Sri Lanka. Living in a small city has many advantages, such as simpler social relationships. I don't even see my friends once a month. My wife is not keen on city life either

Q: Isn't your daughter proud of you?

Answer: "My daughter is a first-year graduate student majoring in Environmental Engineering. Although she is a STEM student, she is not interested in science fiction. She does not mention the fact that I am her father in school because she is worried that if someone or the school finds out, I may be called to give a special lecture."

Q: How long does it take to write a novel?

Answer: "I think it takes a long time; writing a novel usually takes me about a year. Each part of 'The Three Body Problem' took a year. When the first book of 'The Three Body Problem' was serialized in a magazine in 2006, it was already in its final state. Short stories take about two weeks to complete, but thinking takes longer than writing."

Q: What are you writing now?

Answer: "After 'The Three Body Problem', I found it difficult to write better works. For writers at their peak, this is a common experience. I have saved all my works and published all the content I have written. My goal is to create a book that meets my own standards."

Q: Are you a Communist Party member?

Answer: "No, I am neither a party member nor hold any other political or government positions."

Q: What is the power of science fiction? What do you want to achieve through literature

Answer: "Science fiction can stimulate readers' imagination and instill a desire for the unknown. With China's commitment to becoming an innovative country, the science fiction market is expected to grow. As a writer and science fiction enthusiast, I want to use my imagination of the future universe to shock readers. I want to tell everyone how small humanity is in the universe. However, the power of science and knowledge will help humanity spread across vast territories like the universe in 100 to 200 million years."

Q: Please evaluate Korean science fiction works. What impact have you had on those works that you have been exposed to?

Answer: "Korean science fiction films such as" Han River Monster "," Snow Country Train ", and" Victory "have left a deep impression on me. South Korea has become the main producer of high-quality science fiction films outside of Hollywood, especially because they use ambitious narratives similar to Chinese and Japanese works. I occasionally read some Korean science fiction novels, including those by Kim Kuo yeh."

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