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Nanjing reports that a citizen riding a bicycle without a license is fined 50 yuan: the punishment has been revoked, and the police officers involved

Time:2024-04-24 Click:64

On April 23, netizens posted a roast that on April 9, they were fined 50 yuan for not having a license plate to ride a bicycle in the urban area of Nanjing. They also printed out the ticket for the bicycle they rode at that time and the ticket issued by the No. 1 Brigade of the Traffic Management Bureau of Nanjing Public Security Bureau. Online posts have sparked heated discussions, with many netizens expressing disbelief. On the afternoon of the 23rd, a reporter called the First Brigade of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Nanjing Public Security Bureau, and the staff stated that if they did not agree with the handling, they could proceed with administrative reconsideration or litigation.

Mr. Wang rode a bicycle when he was punished (source/network)

On the afternoon of the 23rd, the reporter of Zonglan News contacted Mr. Wang, a posting netizen. Mr. Wang said that after finishing work on the afternoon of April 9th, he rode his bicycle home and drove to the intersection of Zhongshan Road and Huaqiao Road in Nanjing. He was stopped by the on duty traffic police because he was driving in the opposite direction. The traffic police informed him that he had to get off the vehicle and push it when non motorized vehicles crossed the intersection in the opposite direction. As this was his first violation of the law, he was only given a warning and punished, and then his bicycle license plate was checked.

"The traffic police said that my bicycle does not have a license plate and needs to be fined." Mr. Wang said, looking confused after hearing this, he couldn't help but ask a question: "Do bicycles also need to be registered?" The on duty traffic police replied to him, "What car doesn't have a license plate on the road? Even shared bicycles have steel stamps." Mr. Wang said, although he was puzzled, there may be regulations in place to allow the traffic police to issue fines normally, so he scanned the code and paid a fine of 50 yuan on the spot.

Mr. Wang said that he is a native of Nanjing, and all the bicycles he sees on the road have no license plates, nor have he heard of anyone getting a license plate on their bicycles. He talked to his colleagues and cycling enthusiasts about being fined for not getting a license plate on his bicycle while driving, and everyone found it unbelievable. They all expressed that they had never heard of the need for a license plate on a bicycle, nor had they registered their bicycles. Some people have stated that bicycles in Nanjing do not need to be registered again starting from January 1st this year, and the traffic police have imposed penalties that are not compliant. They suggest that they seek administrative reconsideration. Some people are also worried that they will be fined for riding unlicensed bicycles one day, and hope that Mr. Wang can clarify this for everyone.

Mr. Wang received a "ticket" (source/network)

On the "fine" posted by Mr. Wang with the official seal of the First Brigade of the Nanjing Public Security Bureau Traffic Management Bureau, the journalist saw that the reason for Mr. Wang's punishment was that "the punished person committed an illegal act of driving a non motorized vehicle that should have been registered but not registered on Zhongshan Road at 17:46 on April 9, 2024." According to the "fine", in accordance with Article 89 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and Article 82 (1) (4) of the Jiangsu Provincial Road Traffic Safety Regulations, a fine of 50 yuan was decided.

According to the latest revised Jiangsu Province Road Traffic Safety Regulations, Article 82, Paragraph 1, Item 4 indeed stipulates that "driving non motor vehicles that should be registered but have not been registered" shall be fined 50 yuan by the traffic management department of the public security organs.

Mr. Wang said that on the second day after the incident, he called the 12345 government service convenience hotline to report the issue. The staff of the vehicle management office clearly replied that according to the Jiangsu Province Road Traffic Safety Regulations, which came into effect on January 1 this year, bicycles no longer need to be registered. Later, a staff member of the traffic police team asked to leave his ID number number and offered to check it for him. After that, there was no news.

According to Article 26 of the Jiangsu Provincial Road Traffic Safety Regulations, the following non motorized vehicles must be registered with the traffic management department of the public security organs in cities and counties (cities) where everyone resides, and can only drive on the road after obtaining a license plate: (1) electric bicycles; (2) disabled motorized (road type electric) wheelchairs; (3) other types of non motorized vehicles that should be registered according to the provincial government's regulations. Vehicles such as electric two wheelers and disabled motorized (road type electric) wheelchairs that do not meet national standards shall not be registered. According to Article 20, ordinary bicycles are indeed not included in the list of vehicles that require a license plate.

On the afternoon of April 23rd, the reporter from Zonglan News also contacted the Nanjing Traffic Management Hotline 12123 for further verification. The staff stated that they received a notice last year that bicycles do not need to be registered again. If citizens have any objections to the fine, they need to contact the corresponding traffic police brigade.

Subsequently, the reporter contacted the First Brigade of the Traffic Management Bureau of Nanjing Public Security Bureau. Regarding the situation where citizens are fined for riding bicycles without a license plate, the staff who answered the phone said that if citizens do not agree with the handling, they can proceed with administrative reconsideration or litigation.

It was reported on the "Nanjing Traffic Police" WeChat official account on April 24 that recently, an Internet user in Nanjing reported that he was fined 50 yuan for riding a bicycle on the road without a license plate. The Traffic Management Bureau of Nanjing Public Security Bureau immediately formed an investigation team to carry out the investigation.

After investigation, at 17:46 on April 9th, our police officers were on duty at the intersection of Zhongshan Road and Changjiang Road when they discovered that the person involved, Wang, was riding a bicycle in the opposite direction. He was warned and punished for his illegal behavior of driving in the opposite direction, and was fined 50 yuan for his unlicensed driving behavior.

According to the Jiangsu Province Road Traffic Safety Regulations, which came into effect on January 1, 2024, bicycles are no longer non motor vehicles that should be registered and do not need to be registered on the road. Based on this, our bureau has revoked the punishment decision against him for riding unlicensed bicycles on the road, and held the police officers responsible for law enforcement errors accountable.

For the problems exposed in this law enforcement, our bureau will take the case as a warning, draw lessons from other cases, further strengthen legal training and law enforcement supervision, and continuously strengthen law enforcement capacity building. Thank you to netizens and media for their supervision and attention.

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