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Polish President: Ready to accept NATO's deployment of nuclear weapons! Peskov responds! Russian Foreign Minister: Western Exploration on the Edge of

Time:2024-04-23 Click:65

CCTV News reported that on April 22nd local time, Polish media Fakt published an interview with President Duda. Duda stated in an interview that if NATO allies decide to deploy nuclear weapons on Polish territory as part of nuclear sharing, Poland is prepared to strengthen NATO's eastern wing security. Duda also stated that Poland, as an ally, also has an obligation in this regard, and Poland is only implementing a common policy.

The picture shows Polish President Duda, who stated that Poland is ready to accept NATO's deployment of nuclear weapons

In response, Russian President's press secretary Peskov stated that if NATO nuclear weapons appear in Poland, the Russian military will assess the situation and take all necessary measures to ensure Russian security.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova stated on the same day that the remarks of the Polish leader were a provocation. If Poland receives NATO nuclear weapons, the Russian Armed Forces General Staff will immediately consider this issue in military planning. If there is a conflict between Russia and NATO, these nuclear weapons will be included in Russia's target list.

In addition, on April 22 local time, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov stated in a video address to the Moscow International Conference on Nuclear Non Proliferation that the West is on the brink of direct confrontation between nuclear powers, which will lead to catastrophic consequences.

Lavrov claimed that the West is on the edge of direct confrontation between nuclear powers. Screenshot of international news video from CCTV

Lavrov pointed out that the crises in the arms control, disarmament, and nuclear non-proliferation systems reflect an unprecedented depth of retreat in the field of international security. Against the backdrop of a full-scale mixed war against Russia in the West, there is no basis for dialogue with the United States on arms control and strategic stability issues. The premise for both sides to communicate on these issues is that the United States abandons its hostile stance against Russia and eliminates the issue of NATO's eastward expansion. This is an irreplaceable principle position of the Russian side. He also stated that if the United States approves the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Russia will also consider approving the treaty.

Lavrov also stated that the United States, with the support of its allies, continues to use propaganda to maliciously smear Russia's activities in the space field and Russia's initiatives to prevent an arms race in space, with the aim of diverting international attention and achieving the goal of increasing the country's space military spending.

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