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This is not called management chaos, it's very organized, organized and technically collecting more money

Time:2024-04-21 Click:68

On the evening of the 19th, the Chongqing Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference to report on the joint investigation team's investigation into gas enterprises, and found that some citizens of Chongqing Gas Group and other gas enterprises have reported issues such as overcharging and overcharging 

①There are problems with incorrect copying and unauthorized estimation; 

② There is a problem of chaotic gas billing cycles; 

③ There is a problem of inadequate implementation of price policies;

④ The work of changing tables is disorganized; 

⑤ Serious lack of work force; 

⑥ Some gas companies have inadequate internal supervision and management. 

In response to the above issues, the gas company will be required to provide a full refund for the gas fees that have been investigated and confirmed to have been overcharged. The investigation team has handed over the clues of illegal and irregular activities found by enterprises to relevant departments to accelerate legal disposal. 14 cases have been investigated and will be held accountable.

The investigation team has reported the investigation situation to the superior institutions of gas enterprises such as Chongqing Gas Group. It is reported that the superior organization of Chongqing Gas Group has decided to dismiss Chedechen from the position of Party Secretary and General Manager of Chongqing Gas Group, and has requested the shareholder meeting to dismiss him from the position of Chairman. At the same time, a working group has been dispatched to Chongqing Gas Group to conduct a thorough investigation and rectification of related issues. From the current investigation and verification, there are no problems such as gas meter metering and quality, gas quality, and changing gas meter metering through remote control.

My friend said that the gas bill issue in Chongqing is a matter of chaotic management. I don't quite agree with this. You say he's chaotic, but why do we all overcharge each other? Didn't you see who was underpaid? To me, this should not be called management chaos, it should be called order within chaos.

This is not called management chaos, it's very organized, organized and technically collecting more money

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