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Biden promises to protect Japan with nuclear weapons! Expert: The US strategy carries danger! Japanese people: This is the road to war without a retur

Time:2024-04-13 Click:77

According to the military Weibo account of China Central Television, on April 10th local time, US President Biden held a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. The joint statement by US and Japanese leaders released by the White House stated that the goal of the two countries is to establish a "purposeful" global security partnership. The US emphasizes its unwavering commitment to using all capabilities, including nuclear weapons, to defend Japan.

Biden meets with Fumio Kishida at the White House

According to CCTV Chinese International News, Reuters reported that the joint statement issued by US and Japanese leaders stated that the goal of the two countries is to establish a "purposeful" global security partnership to address complex and interrelated challenges. After the meeting between the two sides, Biden described it as "the most important upgrade of the US Japan alliance since its establishment.".

According to CCTV News, Japanese experts say that Japan's foreign and security policies are further moving towards the United States, which will bring unstable factors to the regional situation.

Sun Qixiang, Director of the East Asian Community Research Institute in Japan: The future situation is that Japan and the United States plan to strengthen their alliance at the operational and strategic levels, which is a very dangerous situation. For Japan and South Korea, once they fall into a military conflict, they will also suffer losses. But for the United States, even if there is a military conflict in East Asia, the US mainland will not be affected. Therefore, it is beneficial for the United States to have Japan and South Korea take action to create regional tensions.

Sun Qixiang pointed out that for Japan, following the footsteps of the United States is not a viable option. As a member of the East Asian region, Japan should effectively develop stable and peaceful relations with neighboring countries such as China in areas such as security and economy.

Sun Qixiang, Director of the East Asian Community Research Institute in Japan: The United States' strategy carries risks, and cooperation between Japan and the United States will only make Japan's security situation more dangerous than it is now. Developing and maintaining close relations between Japan and China is in line with Japan's interests.

Interview with the Director of the Japan East Asian Community Research Institute Image source: CCTV News

According to CCTV news, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will visit the United States on April 8th. Fumio Kishida has stated that this visit to the United States will promote further cooperation between Japan and the United States in military and other areas. On the evening of April 9th local time, Japanese people held a rally and march against the Japanese government's expansion of military power. They believed that Japan did not reflect on history, but instead attempted to strengthen the Japan US alliance, which was an irreversible path towards war.

Local student: I think this is heading towards war, and this meeting is also a "war conference" to promote the integration of the Japanese Self Defense Force and the US military stationed in Japan. As a Japanese student, I must express my opposition.

Japanese people claim that Japan is heading towards war. Image source: CCTV News

Local residents: Japan launched aggressive wars against many Asian countries during World War II. For history, if we reflect on it, we will feel that the Kishida government's promotion of the Japan US alliance is once again a path towards war.

Japanese lawyer Junji Takayama: I think we are getting closer to war and closer to the outbreak of aggressive war. This is something that the Japanese people cannot tolerate, no matter what. Looking back on our history, I feel like we are stepping onto, or rather, we have already embarked on, a dangerous path that must never be stepped upon.

Extended reading:

Fumio Kishida called China and Japan "allies" and "worshipped" the door with an axe. He should understand what danger is!

The US Japan relationship should not target or harm the interests of other countries, nor should it undermine regional peace and stability. China firmly opposes the Cold War mentality and the practice of small group politics, and firmly opposes the creation and intensification of conflicts that harm the strategic security and interests of other countries.

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Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida visited the United States and attended a joint press conference with US President Biden at the White House on April 10th local time.

When he blurted out "China as an allied country", both Biden beside him and the media below felt a bit dizzy.

On April 10th local time, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and US President Biden attended a joint press conference

What's going on?

Uncle Hai wants to say that even if there are Chinese people at the scene, Tian Wenxiong's statement on the other side would be inexplicable! Who is your ally! Why are you talking to yourself!


At that time, Fumio Kishida also realized that he had spoken the wrong thing. Immediately changed his tone and said, "Sorry, with the allied United States..." while raising his right hand to signal and smiling bitterly.

I really don't know if this is considered playing tricks on the door! Or to say "bowing" to the door and wielding an axe?

You should know that Biden is the "master" of the world of gossip.

Fumio Kishida and Biden shook hands at the joint press conference

For example, "I entered the Senate 180 years ago" and "America's COVID-19 has died 230 million people" are all based on Biden's words.

Pronounced the wrong word in front of Biden and immediately changed his speech. Can this be considered as Fumio Kishida practicing English hard before coming to the United States, but not practicing his eloquence?

You should know that he still spoke Japanese when he was chatting on the White House lawn. If I were to go to the US Congress and prepare to give a speech in English, what would my mouth be like?

On the scene, while smiling bitterly, Fumio Kishida further explained that his actual intention was to hope that China would take on the responsibility of being a major country.

It seems that Fumio Kishida's visit to the United States is indeed full of thoughts about China. And perhaps the most talked about thing between him and Biden is also China. It is inevitable to have thoughts in the heart and thoughts in the mouth.

During this visit, Fumio Kishida discussed with Biden and the US and Japan officially declared the "most important upgrade"——

For example, jointly developing missiles,

For example, Japan participated in the manned moon landing in the United States.

Japan provided Shinkansen technology to the United States to build the Texas high-speed railway.

The two countries also stated that their goal is to establish a "purposeful" global security partnership to address complex and interrelated challenges.

Meeting between Marcos Jr., Biden, and Fumio Kishida Image: Information

On April 11th local time, Biden and Fumio Kishida also met with Philippine President Marcos Minor.

Prior to this, the US had already been rendering this an unprecedented trilateral encounter.

Regardless of whether he is unprecedented, Uncle Hai feels that if these three families come together, it may still be a show of mutual attraction. Not to mention that Fumio Kishida was still thinking about the "Japan China Alliance" in the White House and even blurted it out, even if it was a slip of the tongue, it was quite funny. Just talk about why Marcos visited China at the beginning of his term, but then made various unfriendly actions towards China afterwards.

Is there any leverage in Biden's hands over Marcos himself and his family? Otherwise, why would you be willing to be a string puppet?

In this situation, can we cooperate well?

At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on April 11th, spokesperson Mao Ning refuted some of the actions taken during the meeting between Biden and Fumio Kishida.

Mao Ning stated that we have taken note of some developments in the US Japan Leaders Summit. Despite China's serious concerns, the US and Japan have smeared and attacked China on issues related to Taiwan and the sea, rudely interfering in China's internal affairs, and seriously violating the basic norms of international relations. The Chinese side is strongly dissatisfied and firmly opposes this, and has made solemn representations to relevant parties.


Uncle Hai feels that if we only talk about the issue of alliance, we might as well tell the Japanese side that China and Japan are not allies in the past or present.

I still remember US Secretary of Defense Austin once said, "China has no allies.". Uncle Hai also wrote an article about this, "Does the US Defense Minister really not understand or pretend not to understand that" China has no allies "?"! This is telling Austin, telling the American side, and even telling the world——

China adheres to the policy of "dialogue without confrontation, partnership without alliance".

Since that's the case, even if Japan wants to become an ally of China, it seems impossible at the moment! But whether it's the United States or Japan, it's definitely feasible for anyone who wants to make friends with China. As long as both parties show sincerity, the space for communication will become larger and larger!

On April 7th, US Treasury Secretary Yellen exchanged ideas with Peking University students during his visit to China

Even if not considered as friends, as long as it is a normal country with diplomatic relations, the interaction and exchange between the political, business, academic, and even military circles of both sides are conducive to the progress of bilateral relations.

Anyway, talking is better than fighting.

To some extent, an independent country is often less likely to mention the term "alliance".

Haoqiang likes to play alliances, in fact, to attract "younger brothers";

There are also some countries that are not so independent and autonomous, sometimes joining the treaty out of helplessness, and sometimes joining the treaty out of various considerations for their own development.

Regardless of the type of alliance, in Uncle Hai's view, assuming it is to develop a bilateral and multilateral international relationship is not enough. If it is to form a small circle and target a specific country to bully someone, it is probably wishful thinking and wishful thinking.

Mao Ning spoke very clearly——

The US Japan relationship should not target or harm the interests of other countries, nor should it undermine regional peace and stability.

China firmly opposes the Cold War mentality and the practice of small group politics, and firmly opposes the creation and intensification of conflicts that harm the strategic security and interests of other countries.


After all, Fumio Kishida is the Prime Minister of Japan.

I hope he will also pay attention to the domestic reaction in Japan.

The Global Times reported that a Japanese netizen roast that, compared with the 81 year old Biden, it was Arita who overturned the car first.

Previously, Xinhua News Agency reported that multiple Japanese media polls showed——

The support rate of the Kishida Cabinet has been maintained in the range of 20% to 30% for several consecutive months, at a dangerous level of "ultra-low altitude flight". The latest poll released by the Japan Broadcasting Association on the 8th showed that the support rate for the Kishida Cabinet was only 23%, which is the lowest level in history from December last year.

Some people have analyzed that Fumio Kishida is eager to curry favor with the United States, and both foreign and defense policies are becoming increasingly clear of breaking away from the peace constitution.

Japan, in exchange for the United States' support for its military relaxation, cooperates with the United States to engage in camp confrontation and major power competition, which not only seriously endangers regional peace and stability, but also ultimately hinders Japan's own security and development.

In Haishu's personal opinion, no matter what policies Japan implements, it must remember that it is an inseparable neighbor of countries such as China, South Korea, and North Korea.

No matter who forms an alliance with, if Japan cannot handle its relations with neighboring countries well, it will be dangerous!

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