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He warned again: China should stop supporting Russia

Time:2024-09-08 Click:32

With regard to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, China has repeatedly stated its position of "promoting peace and promoting talks", but the United States and the West have frequently forced China.

According to the Ukrainian National News Agency (UNN) and Reuters, on September 6 local time, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg once again dumped the pot when he made a speech in Oslo, Norway, calling on China to "stop supporting" Russia on the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

According to reports, Stoltenberg repeatedly maliciously labeled China at a joint press conference with Norwegian Prime Minister St ø ller. Without providing any evidence, he claimed that during the Russia-Ukraine conflict, "Iran and North Korea provided drones, ammunition, etc. to Russia, while China became the decisive promoter of Russia's war against Ukraine".

According to him, "many of the weapons used by Russia are made in China," and China maintains an "unrestricted partnership" with Russia's defense industrial base, providing it with support for dual-use materials including weapons, components, equipment, and raw materials.

I call on China to stop supporting Russia's illegal war, "Toltenberg immediately declared. If China continues to fuel this" largest military conflict in Europe, "" China's interests and reputation will be affected.

Stoltenberg delivered a speech in Norway on September 6th. Photo by Ukrainian State News Agency

In fact, this is not the first time that US and Western officials have forced China to exert pressure on Russia-Ukraine conflict.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finnish President Stubb stated in early July that Russia's dependence on China has reached a point where Beijing can end the conflict in Ukraine. He claimed at the time, "Russia is now very dependent on China. Chinese leaders can resolve this crisis with just one phone call

On July 11th, Stoltenberg reiterated at the closing press conference of the NATO summit that NATO defines China as a "decisive supporter" of Russia's war in Ukraine, stating that China's joint military exercises with Belarus are part of the joint support for Russia's war in Ukraine.

At that time, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian responded by strongly condemning the highly irresponsible and provocative remarks made by the NATO Secretary General against China. The relevant remarks are filled with Cold War mentality and ideological bias, distorting black and white, maliciously attacking the Chinese system, openly interfering in China's internal affairs, maliciously distorting China's domestic and foreign policies, blaming and misleading the international community on the Ukraine issue, and making irresponsible remarks about China's normal military construction and relations with relevant countries. The Chinese side expresses strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this.

Lin Jian presides over the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (source image)

Lin Jian further stated that China has previously expressed its position clearly on the Ukraine issue and the NATO summit. It should be emphasized that for a long time, the NATO Secretary General has disregarded facts and repeatedly negotiated with China, repeatedly using various occasions to smear and attack China, exaggerating the "China threat theory", inciting suspicion and anti China sentiment, and cooperating with certain forces to suppress and contain China. All kinds of poor performances cannot help but arouse the vigilance of the world, and fully confirm the risks and challenges that NATO, as a remnant of the Cold War, a product of factional confrontation and group politics, will bring to world peace and stability.

Lin Jian pointed out that China advises certain Western politicians who are on the brink of death in their political careers not to attempt to forcefully leave behind some "legacy" by fueling trouble, provoking trouble, and blaming others. China will firmly follow the path of peaceful development, inject more stability and positive energy into world peace and stability through its own development and foreign cooperation, while firmly safeguarding its sovereignty, security, and development interests. Viewing China as a 'hypothetical enemy', NATO will ultimately have to suffer the consequences on its own.

In addition, Ukrainian President Zelensky mentioned China in a speech in July, stating that he did not want China, which has an "unlimited" partnership with Russia, to act as a mediator, but hoped that China would exert greater pressure on Moscow to end the war.

On September 2 local time, Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski said that the Russia-Ukraine conflict might last for ten years, and called on China to participate in conflict mediation, because "China is the only country that can really end this war". He also claimed that due to the friendly relationship between China and Russia, they can play a role that other countries cannot. "If China can end this crazy war, it will definitely receive goodwill and gratitude from Europe.

My spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mao Ning, responded to the call by stating that both China and Russia are independent and major powers. China is not the creator of the Ukrainian crisis, nor is it a party involved. We will always stand on the side of peace and dialogue, maintain communication with all parties including Russia, and continue to play a constructive role in promoting the political resolution of the crisis.

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