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700000 Israelis take to the streets to protest

Time:2024-09-03 Click:29

700000 Israelis take to the streets to protest

Israel is completely angry.

On the first day of September, Sunday, at least 700000 Israelis took to the streets to express their strong anger.

In Tel Aviv, the largest city in Israel, about 550000 people are protesting, shouting, and crying. The protesters claimed that they were an 'endless ocean of protesters'.

Similar protests have also occurred in many cities such as Jerusalem, Haifa, and Ashkelon. This is also the largest protest in Israel since October 7th last year.

You should know that the total population of Israel is only over 9 million. About 8% of Israelis took to the streets this time.

On Monday, September 2nd, the protests continued.

The largest labor union in Israel, the General Confederation of Labor, has launched a nationwide strike.

Union President Bar David said, "We are in a vicious cycle, we cannot stop receiving body bags, only strikes will be shocking, and the entire Israeli economy will be completely shut down

He called on people to bravely raise their voices and "shout out the cries of the hostages loudly".

The anger in the hearts of Israelis is twofold: firstly, they mourn the death of the hostages.

On September 1st, the Israeli army discovered the bodies of six Israeli hostages in a tunnel in Gaza.

According to the Israeli military, they were shot at close range by Hamas.

The war lasted for nearly a year, and they were imprisoned for almost a year, but they were ultimately unable to return home and died in a tunnel in Gaza.

The Israeli army discovered the bodies of six Israeli hostages in a tunnel in Gaza

The resentment in the hearts of Israelis is also a strong dissatisfaction with the Israeli government.

Because if the Netanyahu government had the ability and determination, they should have reached an agreement with Hamas long ago. These people could have returned to Israel alive and to their families.

Netanyahu defended himself.

Several hours after the discovery of six bodies, Netanyahu immediately issued a video statement, stating that the Israeli government is committed to reaching a ceasefire agreement, but Hamas is undermining the agreement.

Netanyahu said, 'This is a difficult day. The hearts of all Israeli people have been torn apart. Like all Israeli citizens, I am extremely shocked by the cold-blooded murder of six hostages in our country.'.

He swore that Israel would retaliate.

I say to the Hamas terrorists who killed our kidnapped ones, and to their leaders - you have lost your lives. We will not stop, nor will we remain silent. We will pursue you, we will find you, and we will hold you accountable

Teeth for teeth, blood for blood, this is the iron law of the Middle East.

But the Israelis clearly cannot accept Netanyahu's explanation. Even if he personally calls to apologize to the families of the victims, it cannot alleviate the anger in people's hearts.

It's simple, the Israeli army is overwhelmingly on the side in Gaza, and the whole world demands a ceasefire. Hamas also agrees to a ceasefire, but Israel is tough and refuses to reach a ceasefire agreement.

Hamas accuses Israel of refusing to reach an agreement and taking responsibility for the deaths.

Even recently, Israeli agents went to Tehran and assassinated Hamas' top leader Haniyeh, further escalating the situation and drawing Iran into the vortex.

This is not a ceasefire at all, but a hope to continue fighting.

Poor thing, those hostages in Gaza have naturally become victims.

Scenes of Israelis taking to the streets to demonstrate

Israeli Defense Minister Galant, who couldn't bear to watch, strongly called on Netanyahu on September 1st to immediately negotiate with Hamas and rescue the Israelis still detained in Gaza.

Galant said, "It's too late for the kidnapped hostages who were killed in cold blood, but the hostages who are still being held captive by Hamas must be rescued and brought home

He called for an immediate meeting of the Israeli cabinet to overturn the decision made on August 29th.

At the cabinet meeting on August 29th, Netanyahu took a firm stance that Israel must station troops in the "Philadelphia Corridor" to prevent Hamas from smuggling weapons from Egypt.

Gaza borders Egypt on the Philadelphia Corridor, a narrow 14.5-kilometer-long strip at the border. Israel has taken control of this corridor, effectively completely surrounding Gaza on all sides.

Hamas cannot agree, so a ceasefire agreement naturally cannot be discussed.

Even though Galant said that Israel can retake the corridor after the hostages are released, "we can take over the Philadelphia corridor within 8 hours, but we will have 20 to 30 hostages (returning to Israel)

But Netanyahu disagrees, believing that this is a reward for Hamas.

The families of the hostages can't wait any longer, the Israelis can't wait any longer. After almost a year of fighting, Israel has not been able to rescue the hostages. Now, they are watching the hostages being killed. What is this government doing?

So, people took to the streets, waving the Israeli flag and repeating the names of the hostages.

They shouted angrily: Enough is enough. We will not abandon them.

The Israeli government abandoned them, but the Israelis refused.

Demonstrators holding photos of deceased hostages

Finally, what do you think?

It's still a rough three points.

Firstly, Netanyahu has other plans.

From a domestic perspective in Israel, Prime Minister Netanyahu is facing increasing pressure, with more and more Israelis protesting, demanding his resignation, and calling for his trial.

Netanyahu has undoubtedly reached the most dangerous moment.

Once there is a ceasefire, the next step is political reckoning. He, who is plagued by scandals, is 100% at risk of imprisonment.

What should I do?

Then continue to be tough. Despite Israeli public opinion, they hope to reach a ceasefire agreement and the hostages can return home as soon as possible.

So, we see that the Israeli military keeps attacking, being tough on Hezbollah, tough on Iran, and tough on Hamas.

On the surface, they hope to reach a ceasefire agreement, but in reality, various tough measures prevent the agreement from being reached.

So much so that Biden lost patience and, in a phone call, criticized Netanyahu's various rhetoric, saying 'Stop talking nonsense'.

A politician who prioritizes personal interests over national and state interests will undoubtedly lead to various unimaginable chaos.

Secondly, the key is still the protection provided by the United States.

Which country has significant influence over Israel?

Without a doubt, only the United States.

Although Israel sometimes appears disobedient, as long as the United States exerts enough pressure on Israel, Israel still has to listen.

But the United States has not.

The various ceasefire resolutions of the Security Council were ultimately vetoed by the United States, rendering all efforts in vain.

Because it's simple, the Gaza War won't drag the United States into the war.

Because in the eyes of Americans, life and life are different in price. The life of Palestinians is indeed inferior to that of Americans and Israelis.

But war cannot solve all problems, otherwise it would have been solved long ago. Israel cannot eliminate Hamas, and in the end, both sides still need to negotiate, compromise, and find a political solution.

This tests Hamas, tests Israel, and more importantly, tests the United States.

When will the United States continue to pull away from it?

I have said before that the bloody facts of Gaza, the Western double standards of saying one thing and doing another, have been completely exposed to the world, and the so-called moral image has collapsed. This may also be the most profound butterfly effect

The picture shows Israeli soldiers on the Gaza battlefield

Thirdly, more blood will continue to flow.

According to official Israeli statistics, Hamas' attack on October 7th last year resulted in the kidnapping of 251 hostages, of which approximately 100 were held by Hamas.

In June this year, the Israeli army successfully rescued four hostages in a raid, including Noah, a woman of Chinese descent.

Can all hostages be rescued?


Reuters quoted a senior Hamas official at the time as saying: After nine months of fighting, the Israeli army rescued four prisoners through military action, which shows failure rather than achievement!

So, we saw the next move, and what the Israeli army found were the bodies of six hostages.

So, the Israelis are angry, Netanyahu must step down, the hostages must return home soon, and Israel cannot always accept body bags.

But will Netanyahu agree?

The Israelis don't want to fight anymore, but Netanyahu still wants to fight.

What is even more shocking is not only the deaths of hostages, but also the deaths of a large number of innocent civilians.

According to statistics from both sides, Hamas' attack resulted in over 1100 deaths on the Israeli side; But the Israeli military's attack on Gaza has resulted in over 40000 people being killed, the vast majority of whom are women and children.

The war is still ongoing, and more blood will flow.

The road to peace is vast, with blood shining everywhere.

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