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The situation has escalated! WeChat rejects Apple's' overbearing terms', what should Apple users do if they lose WeChat

Time:2024-08-27 Click:96

The tech industry is about to start another bloody storm!

What exactly caused Tencent and Apple to tear apart and become tense?

Where should Apple users who have lost WeChat functionality go?

If you didn't have WeChat, would you still use an iPhone?

The war has escalated!

As the saying goes, 'One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.' Under the law of the jungle in the technology industry, Tencent and Apple, the two giants, can no longer hold back and are about to stage a real battle!

And the core of this big play can be summed up in two words - 'silver'!

Apple, this' wealthy man ', the App Store is like a cash cow for his family. Any app that wants to make money on iOS must first go through his' pay station'!

And the commission of up to 30% has made many developers exclaim that it hurts.

But WeChat, this guy, is very clever and always tries to take detours. This is great, he directly stepped into Apple's minefield.

Apple directly said, either pay and admit defeat, or don't appear on the App Store!

The smell of this fire medicine is so strong that it can choke people.

You should know that WeChat is a "national artifact" in China. Without it, how can Apple phones still thrive?

Tencent is not a fuel-efficient company either. Faced with Apple's provocation, it is secretly holding back its big moves.

Both sides were so caught up in the fight, and no one was willing to let go for the 30% commission.

Apple feels that it is reasonable to accept it, as it provides a platform and services;

WeChat, on the other hand, feels that this is simply an "open grab", after all, WeChat Pay is extremely popular in China, and once paid, it is astronomical.

But this time Apple has hit a hard spot. WeChat's influence in China is significant, from chatting to payment, from entertainment to office work. Without WeChat, life would be chaotic.

If Apple really dares to kick WeChat out, can Chinese users agree?

By then, Apple's market position in China may be on the verge of collapse.

If both sides really tear apart, iPhone users may face the risk of losing WeChat functionality.

Think about it, does a life without WeChat feel uncomfortable all over?

How do Apple users who have lost WeChat functionality choose?

Imagine it!

Waking up in the morning, I reached out to my iPhone as usual, intending to explore my social circle. However, I was surprised to find that WeChat, the indispensable "remote control" for daily life, had gone on strike!

This is not a plot from science fiction, but the cruel reality that Apple and Tencent may face once they break up.

Information source: Sina Finance 2024-08-03- Apple again has a problem with WeChat Tiktok. If you don't update it, will you still use Apple's mobile phone?

Imagine the world of iPhone users collapsing in an instant: the laughter and joy of social media, the convenience of daily conversations, the celebration of red envelope rain, and even the one click ride hailing and food delivery ordering in mini programs have all become bubbles.

WeChat Pay, the "digital wallet" that is almost tied to our daily lives, once disappeared, it seems like we have returned to the ancient era of using change cans to change. The wallet is bulging but filled with heavy coins, making people laugh and cry.

Even more amazing, those addictive mini games and practical tools and programs will become distant memories.

Didn't you jump in the bathroom to relieve boredom? That's simply mental 'constipation'!

When Android users show off their new features, they can only silently "eat lemon" on the side, which is more anxious than running out of battery on their phones.

Switching to Android? For loyal Apple fans, this is tantamount to betraying their faith, let alone the fact that the Android camp is not a safe haven. Who can guarantee that it can stand alone?

Web version of WeChat? That experience is like cooking cabbage with clean water, bland and tasteless, with a chain breaking at critical moments and limited functionality that can drive people crazy.

Ultimately, ordinary users are just innocent spectators in this business game, but they may be forced to bear the most direct consequences.

What we hope for is that Apple and Tencent can quickly shake hands and make peace, and not let the interests of users become bargaining chips on their negotiation table.

After all, technology should be a heartwarming force, not the culprit behind creating barriers and inconveniences.

In this potential 'platform war', if Apple really insists on going its own way, perhaps the biggest winner is not one party, but the Android manufacturers who are watching and waiting for opportunities to take action.

After all, in the red ocean of smartphones, every choice made by users is a vote for the brand.

The competition between Apple and Android has never stopped.

If you don't agree, take it down?

In the world of mobile operating systems, iOS and Android, the fierce rivals, are engaged in a fierce battle.

iOS, That proud nobleman, who prides himself on elegance and fluency, also carries a hint of 'aloofness'.

Its closed ecology is like a carefully crafted castle, where you can enter and enjoy a feast, but want to make any changes at will? There's no door!

Users are pampered by its exquisite applications and silky smooth experience, but do they want some personalization? Sorry, customized services are not on the menu.

On the other hand, Android, this' grassroots hero ', is what the bustling marketplace is talking about.

Anything is there, anything can be changed, as long as you dare to think, Android dares to give it.

However, this freedom also comes at a cost, such as system fragmentation and small security vulnerabilities that occasionally add obstacles.

The strategies of the two are vastly different. iOS follows the high-end route of "few but refined", with several new phones released each year and each one becoming a bestseller;

Android, on the other hand, is "big and comprehensive", covering everything from low to high, making it a well deserved national mobile phone.

On the battlefield of China, Android has the support of "domestic products" such as Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, etc., and its cost-effectiveness is so high that it can soar;

Although iOS sits firmly on the high-end platform, it has to bow down and give up in terms of market share.

But don't just look at quantity. When it comes to profit, Apple is silent and hides its achievements and reputation. Brand power and a loyal fan base are things that Android users cannot envy.

Not to mention the ecological loop of Apple, once you step into it, it's a 'trap within a trap' and difficult to extricate yourself.

Interestingly, these two enemies also played the game of "you learn from me, I learn from you".

IOS learns to be down-to-earth, slowly releasing the tight spell, allowing users to change their appearance with just a few clicks of their fingers;

Android, on the other hand, diligently trains its internal skills to improve both fluency and security, vowing to prove that it can also become a noble.

Ultimately, in this competition, we users are the biggest winners.

Competition forces them to constantly improve, and as a result, the smartphone industry is constantly evolving.

Should I choose iOS or Android? It all depends on personal taste.

Love simplicity and hassle free design, iOS is your food; Love to tinker and seek cost-effectiveness, Android welcomes you.

The important thing is to find the partner who works best with you.

This "dragon tiger battle" in the technology industry is like a race without a finish line.

Who will be the ultimate winner? No one knows.

But ordinary people just sit back and watch the show, enjoying the infinite possibilities brought by technology!

From the "commission battle" between Apple and WeChat, to the potential difficulties that users may face, to Apple's situation in the Chinese market, and finally to the "battle of the century" between iOS and Android, I can be said to have experienced a ups and downs in the "technology drama".

This dispute not only concerns the interests of several large companies, but also affects everyone's daily life.

It reflects the complexity of the mobile Internet era, and also shows the fierce competition among technology giants.

As ordinary users, we may feel troubled by these disputes, but at the same time, we should also recognize that it is these competitions that drive technological progress and bring us better products and services.

In the future, the development of the technology industry will inevitably be filled with more challenges and opportunities.

We hope that major companies can seek common ground while reserving differences in competition, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results in innovation, and ultimately bring better experiences to users.

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