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Raise the banner of reform and opening up to safeguard and improve people's livelihoods in development

Time:2024-07-25 Click:69

CCTV news (focus interview): The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee pointed out that "ensuring and improving people's livelihood in development is a major task of Chinese path to modernization". Improving people's livelihood and well-being is the fundamental goal of development. To further deepen reform comprehensively, we must take promoting social fairness and justice, and enhancing people's well-being as the starting point and foothold. How to adhere to the people-centered approach and enable more people to enjoy the fruits of reform? Today, we will continue our series of programs titled 'Raise the Banner of Reform and Opening Up', interpreting reforms in the field of safeguarding and improving people's livelihoods.

The ultimate goal of promoting reform and development is to enable the people to live a better life.  


The Decision points out that to achieve the goal and task of further comprehensively deepening reforms, we must "focus on improving the quality of people's lives". Among the key reform measures deployed in the next five years, "improving the system of safeguarding and improving people's livelihoods" is an important one.

Cai Fang, Chief Expert and Academician of the National High end Think Tank of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said, "We have reached the stage of comprehensively building a socialist modernized strong country. The people have higher requirements for people's livelihoods, including per capita income level, income distribution status, and public product supply status. Only when these levels of guarantee are fully reflected can we improve the quality of people's lives

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood.   However, in the current and future periods, the pressure of total employment still exists, and the changes in the labor force structure continue to deepen, posing many new challenges to employment.

Wang Xiaoping, Secretary of the Party Group and Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said, "The new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation has put forward new and higher requirements for the skill level of workers. At the same time, the trend of population aging in China is obvious, the acceleration of new urbanization, the diversification of employment methods, especially the rapid development of new employment forms, have also brought a series of new situations

How to continue to improve the employment priority policy, promote the improvement of employment quality and reasonable growth in quantity? The Decision proposes to "improve the mechanism for promoting high-quality and full employment, perfect the public service system for employment, and focus on solving structural employment contradictions".

Wang Xiaoping: "Making high-quality and full employment a priority goal for economic and social development, promoting the coordination and linkage between fiscal, monetary, investment, consumption, industrial, regional and other policies and employment policies, gradually improving the level of treatment for skilled talents. We will improve employment support policies for key groups, adhere to prioritizing young people such as college graduates, and continue to build a comprehensive public employment service system that covers the whole nation, runs through the entire process, radiates across the entire region, and is convenient and efficient. At the same time, we will improve the labor rights and interests protection system that adapts to flexible employment and new forms of employment

As of the end of 2023, the number of people participating in the national basic old-age insurance will be 1.07 billion, and the basic medical insurance will cover 1.33 billion people. The world's largest social security system has been established. However, on the way to further promote Chinese path to modernization, some groups still have insufficient social security. The Third Plenum of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China also proposed a series of reform measures to improve the social security system.

Focus Interview: Holding High the Banner of Reform and Opening Up to Ensure and Improve People's Livelihood in Development

Wang Xiaoping: "We need to promote the high-quality and sustainable development of the social security system. We will improve the social security system for flexible employees, migrant workers, and new forms of employment, expand the pilot program for occupational injury protection for new forms of employment, accelerate the improvement of the unified social insurance public service platform, and promote a new model of one card livelihood management services based on social security cards


Educational equity is the most fundamental and important social equity, and reforms in the field of education have also attracted much attention. In the new era, China has established the world's largest and high-quality education system, with 2895 counties achieving basic balance in compulsory education, and the popularization of education at all levels reaching or exceeding the average level of middle and high-income countries. From meeting the demand for quantity to achieving improvement in quality is one of the key directions for deepening China's comprehensive education reform.

Focus Interview: Holding High the Banner of Reform and Opening Up to Ensure and Improve People's Livelihood in Development

Huai Jinpeng, Secretary of the Party Group and Minister of the Ministry of Education, said, "The problem of 'being able to go to school' has been basically solved, but 'being able to attend good schools' has become the biggest expectation of the people. Faced with the current changes in population and social structure, especially the difficulties of urban crowding and weak rural areas, our main measure is to promote the expansion and improvement of basic education. We will explore gradually expanding the scope of free education, promote the popularization and universal development of preschool education, run boarding schools, small-scale rural schools, etc. We will improve the level of basic education, accelerate the construction of a modern vocational education system, enable students with different endowments and development interests to become diversified talents, and make better use of modern technology, especially the development of digital technology, to enrich lifelong learning resources

To promote the construction of Chinese path to modernization, high-quality development of education is not only related to personal development, but also provides basic and strategic support for Chinese path to modernization together with science, technology and talents. The Decision points out that we will comprehensively promote the reform of the education technology talent system and mechanism, and enhance the overall efficiency of the national innovation system.


Next, how to focus on comprehensively improving the quality of independent talent cultivation, supporting high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and focusing on how to highlight the guidance and serve the national economic and social development in the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements in universities will become the three most important aspects of China's higher education reform.

Huai Jinpeng said, "We will dynamically adjust the discipline settings and talent training mechanisms around the laws of technological development and the urgent needs of national economic and social development, strengthen the combination of science and technology education and humanities education, and enhance the training of young scientific and technological talents. We advocate long-term support in policy and resource allocation, and do not pursue short-term or quick success in evaluation mechanisms. We will establish a long-term evaluation mechanism, so that young scientific and technological talents can not only sit on the 'cold bench', but also put in 'stupid effort' and long-term effort, truly sharpen their sword in ten years, promote scientific and technological self-reliance and innovation development

Focus Interview: Holding High the Banner of Reform and Opening Up to Ensure and Improve People's Livelihood in Development

Health is the most important symbol of modernization, and medical and health services are also the most concerning livelihood issues for the people. The Decision proposes to deepen the reform of the medical and health system and implement the "health first development strategy".

Lei Haichao, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the National Health Commission, said, "We are now facing the threat of both infectious diseases and chronic non communicable diseases. It is important for us to do a good job in prevention, so that more social units and individuals can participate in the patriotic health movement and health promotion work

Today, China has established the world's largest healthcare system. However, the problem of uneven and insufficient development of the healthcare industry still needs to be addressed through reform. The Decision proposes to "promote the expansion and sinking of high-quality medical resources and regional balanced layout, accelerate the construction of a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, promote the construction of close medical consortia, and strengthen grassroots medical and health services".

Lei Haichao: "The country has established 13 categories of national medical centers and 125 national regional medical centers, distributed in 29 provinces, to prevent patients from leaving the province due to serious illnesses. For the vast majority of cities and counties, it is required that tertiary hospitals regularly send professional personnel to grassroots and secondary hospitals to provide year-round stationed services. For grassroots medical and health institutions, close county-level medical consortia should be established within the county to help townships and even assisted villages further improve services

For most people, public hospitals are still the first choice for medical treatment, and the service level and quality of public hospitals directly affect people's health. The plenary session proposed to deepen the reform of public hospitals guided by public welfare.

Lei Haichao said, "Firstly, in terms of investment in public hospitals, the government should effectively implement the six basic financial investment policies. On the other hand, it is necessary to dynamically adjust the staffing of public hospitals, so that medical staff who are qualified, capable, and capable, and can provide good health services, have the opportunity to be included in the formal staffing. We have also designed corresponding salary systems to make more people willing to engage in the weak disciplines and majors needed by the masses and society, such as pediatrics, anesthesia, pathology, mental health, nursing, etc

Focus Interview: Holding High the Banner of Reform and Opening Up to Ensure and Improve People's Livelihood in Development

In addition, this "Decision" proposes for the first time to "improve the support and service system for population development. Focusing on addressing aging and declining birth rates, we will improve the population development strategy, establish a population service system that covers the entire population and life cycle, and promote high-quality population development.

Cai Fang: "The central government has proposed high-quality population development to support Chinese path to modernization. This high-quality development has many connotations, such as maintaining a reasonable fertility level and an appropriate population size. We build a population support service system and policy system from the whole life cycle and the whole population. Therefore, all departments must coordinate to promote, one is human health, the other is from education, expanding the integration of childcare, and to the environment provided by society. The human and social sectors make maternity leave a system."

To promote high-quality population development, it is also necessary to actively respond to population aging. The Decision also proposes multiple reform measures for the development of elderly care and the silver haired economy.

Lu Zhiyuan: "Integrate the positive aging concept and healthy aging into the entire process of economic and social development, accelerate the improvement of the elderly care service system pattern that coordinates home, community, and institutions, and combines medical care with health and wellness

Cai Fang said, "In the past, having a sense of security for the elderly was enough, but now we also need to have fun and contribute to the elderly. We have highlighted the policy system for elderly care and the elderly care industry, and made many new deployments. We need both concrete support measures and a knowledge system, as well as integrating existing policies to maximize policy effectiveness and form a true institutional construction

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