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Who is attacking the Chinese Olympic delegation?

Time:2024-07-19 Click:68

Once the size and equipment of the Chinese delegation to the Paris Olympics were announced, they were subjected to unprecedented malicious attacks, with negative comments such as excessive unrelated personnel, extravagant spending, and self-contained air conditioning spreading.

There are three main types of people who launch malicious attacks and ridicule against the Chinese Olympic delegation:

The first type is what we commonly refer to as the 'public knowledge circle'. These people always make baseless accusations and comments on national affairs, especially when it comes to national honor and patriotism, they are full of firepower and engaged in heated debates.

The Chinese Olympic delegation's expedition should have been an excellent opportunity to inspire national pride, but they insist on picking the bone in the egg, arrogantly claiming that public funds are squandered and that the country's financial resources are unbearable. Obviously, they are trying to pour cold water on the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses, fearing that everyone will unite as one and unite as one.

The second type is being in the "disappointed corner" of society. These people may have encountered some setbacks in their lives and feel that the whole world has mistreated them.

The good policies and policies of the country, as well as the huge investment, have become "other people's dishes" in their eyes. If they cannot enjoy them themselves, they become psychologically imbalanced, so they make groundless accusations. Whenever they see the country spending money, they criticize indiscriminately, with a complete attitude of "I am not satisfied, you will not be able to achieve it".

The third category is the despicable "1450" group. These guys are synonymous with "traitors" on the internet. They always stand on the opposite side of patriotism, as if patriotism is a raging beast to them.

If asked why they oppose it? The reason is simple and crude: 'What does this have to do with my meager salary of three thousand yuan?' Olympic gold medal? National glory? In their eyes, nothing is more important than the few pieces of silver in their pockets.

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