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The Russian side responds that Shoigu has been issued an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court

Time:2024-06-27 Click:82

According to the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai, on the afternoon of June 24th, an accident occurred in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province: a Chinese man carrying a knife (reported to be "knife like," possibly any object with a sharp edge) rushed towards a Japanese mother and son waiting for a school bus.

The mother and son were stabbed by an oncoming man near the bus stop, and were immediately taken to the hospital for treatment. After diagnosis, their lives were not in danger.

It is curious that after attacking the Japanese mother and son, the perpetrator did not have any intention of escaping, but instead prepared to break into the school bus of the Japanese school, intending to continue the crime.

At this critical juncture, there is a Chinese woman.

Quickly stepped forward to stop the incident. According to reports, the person was a staff member and suffered relatively serious injuries.

In subsequent reports released on Observer website and responses from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is clear that the woman who took action to stop the perpetrator is still in the process of rescue. It can be seen that her injuries are quite serious, and she has to sigh. Sometimes, when she sees some news, she is particularly shocked.

After this incident, there was a great deal of public opinion, not only from foreign media, but also from various domestic media outlets.

The current situation is that the perpetrator has been arrested by the police and the case is currently under trial.

Japan has conducted centralized reporting on this matter, and there has been a particularly fierce battle.

Firstly, major Japanese news media have provided concentrated coverage on the incident, both on television and print media. It can be seen that this incident is quite shocking and highly valued.

All major news media in Japan, such as ANN and TBS, have reported it. At the same time, on the Japanese Internet, this matter has also been making a lot of noise. In a word, Japanese netizens have everything to say, not only that, but also overseas students in Japan have learned about this matter. In general, there are quite a lot of reports in Japan, and it can be seen that for this kind of news, Japan's reports in all aspects are relatively important and concerned.

To be honest, the combination of keywords can indeed attract everyone's attention, as Japanese people have encountered attacks in China.

And at critical moments, the Chinese people provided timely assistance.

Looking at it from a different perspective, the Chinese people who took action to stop the criminals in such a dangerous situation at the time really risked their lives, and they are still in the process of rescue.

Secondly, Japanese journalists ran to the vicinity of the crime scene around 1 a.m. to gather materials and take photos.

News emphasizes timeliness. The Japanese journalist himself is stationed in China and immediately went to the scene of the incident to shoot and inquire. From the footage taken by the journalist, it can be seen that the surrounding area is bustling, and the incident occurred near a bus stop.

The reporter took detailed photos of the surrounding environment, streets, and residential environment.

Thirdly, the reporter interviewed a Japanese person living nearby, and according to the interviewee, "My wife has decided not to go out during this period of time, and the child is also very scared. She has been saying she dare not go out."

This sentence was broadcasted by reporters through major news media, causing quite a stir in public opinion. Looking at it from another perspective, such a sudden attack occurred, and Japanese people living nearby didn't know what to think, so it's normal for them to have a certain level of tension.

Whether it's the fear of the wind or for some other reason, this incident has indeed caused a considerable sensation and discussion.

Fourth: On the Japanese Internet, many people hope to pray for and wish peace to the Chinese women who stopped the gangsters from committing crimes this time.

After gaining a preliminary understanding of this matter, many Japanese netizens have made a rough judgment that most of them are very concerned about the person who provided assistance this time, hoping to receive timely treatment and not to endanger their lives.

It has to be said that on this issue, both Chinese and Japanese netizens admire and pay close attention to the brave warriors who timely prevent the perpetrator from committing the crime. To be honest, such a staff member, or a woman, suddenly sees someone committing the crime and wants to run onto the school bus. In fact, the scene before them is suddenly someone attacking women and children. It really requires a lot of courage to stop them at such a time.

Actually, upon careful consideration, it is quite dangerous, with lingering palpitations. The current situation is.

The warrior who intervened to stop is still being rescued.

After this incident, public opinion and public opinion were very large. There was everything on the Internet. Some people felt quite angry. Why should we attack women and children? Others felt indifferent. I don't know how people think about this issue. There are really different opinions. In fact, sometimes when we think about it, we all know that there is a saying in the folk, called "injustice has its head, debt has its owner".

Punching the weak is something that many netizens cannot tolerate.

The current situation is that the perpetrator has been arrested and the case is still under investigation.

This matter has indeed sparked a lot of discussion in international news.

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