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The Russian military launched a large-scale joint attack, and Ukraine's energy infrastructure was hit by a cluster attack! Ukraine complains to the US

Time:2024-06-24 Click:95

According to CCTV News on June 23, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on June 22 that the Russian military has launched a cluster attack on Ukraine's energy infrastructure using long-range high-precision weapons and drones. On the same day, Ukraine stated that Russian military strikes have caused damage to Ukraine's energy facilities.

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the same day that the target of the attack has been achieved. In addition to launching a cluster attack on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, the targets of this attack also include Ukrainian military ammunition warehouses and weapons and equipment provided by Western countries to Ukraine.

Video screenshots of recent Russian military operations

On the same day, the Ukrainian military announced that in this round of attacks, the Russian military deployed 13 attack drones and launched 16 cruise missiles, while the Ukrainian air defense system intercepted 13 drones and 12 missiles. On the same day, the Ukrainian State Power Company announced that in the early hours of the same day, the energy infrastructure in the Lviv and Zaporizhzhia regions was attacked and damaged by Russian troops. The Ukrainian State Power Company also stated that the Russian military attack caused a shortage of electricity in Ukraine, and power restrictions were implemented throughout the country from 14:00 to 24:00 on the same day.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Energy stated that this is the eighth large-scale joint attack by Russia on Ukraine's energy infrastructure in the past three months. At the same time, Donbass Fuel and Energy Company, the largest private energy company in Ukraine, said that if Western countries do not provide military support to defend Ukraine's energy network, Ukraine "will face a serious crisis this winter.".

Recent pictures of the Russia-Ukraine conflict Source: video screenshot

According to CCTV News on the 23rd, multiple Russian media outlets quoted the Governor of Bryansk Oblast in Russia as reporting that from the late night of June 22 to the early morning of June 23 local time, air defense systems shot down at least 23 Ukrainian drones in the Oblast, of which 12 were shot down within an hour. There is currently no response from Ukraine regarding the Russian side's statement.

According to sources citing the Washington Post website on June 21, two Ukrainian officials said that the new US policy allows Ukraine to launch certain US weapons into Russian territory, reducing Russian attacks but still limiting range, making it impossible for Ukraine to strike critical airports. Russian fighter jets used these airports to drop deadly glider bombs.

According to reports, these two Ukrainian officials said that the United States has restricted Ukraine from firing towards areas less than 100 kilometers from the border. US officials refuse to specify the restrictions, but say that the Ukrainian claim of less than 100 kilometers is incorrect.

Pentagon spokesperson Charlie Dietz said, "The United States has agreed to allow Ukraine to launch US provided weapons at locations within Russian territory where the invading Russian army is located. This is not related to geographical location or specific radius, but rather if Russia is launching or is about to launch an attack on Ukraine from its territory, Ukraine has the ability to retaliate against troops attacking it from across the border."

Ditz said that Ukraine has also been allowed to use US provided air defense systems to strike Russian planes that are about to fire into Ukrainian airspace.

Image of Ukrainian energy facilities previously attacked Source: Video screenshot

Jack Sullivan, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, emphasized this point in an interview with Public Broadcasting Corporation of America. He said, "This is not related to geographical location, but to common sense. If Russia is launching or is about to launch an attack on Ukraine from its territory, then it is reasonable to allow Ukraine to counterattack the attacking troops across the border."

The report states that although Kyiv officials do not want to be seen as openly in conflict with US officials, the Ukrainian military clearly believes that it has not gained the degree of freedom shown in statements from White House and Pentagon officials.

In addition, according to the CCTV news report, the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been postponed so far, which has led to a growing geopolitical crisis, economic and trade shock and humanitarian disaster, while the United States and the West continue to send weapons to Ukraine and ignite the situation.

Recently, renowned American economist and Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs and Serbian legislator Alexander Pavi ć respectively stated in interviews that the United States and the West continue to use Ukraine to weaken Russia, and the Ukrainian people are the biggest victims of the conflict.

Geoffrey Sachs said in an interview with Russian TV Today that one of the major reasons for the Russia-Ukraine conflict is the NATO expansion promoted by western countries for many years. In the early stage of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, in March 2022, the peace talks between the foreign ministers of Russia and Ukraine were close to reaching an agreement, which centered on Ukraine's neutral position. However, the intervention of the United States and the United Kingdom will result in corresponding efforts being in vain. In this regard, Sachs pointed out that the G7, especially the United States, has become very arrogant, believing that they can do whatever they want. The United States hopes that Ukraine will continue to fight until there is only one Ukrainian left.

Serbian legislator Alexander Pavi ć also stated in an interview that the United States and the West use weapons of public opinion to continuously smear Russia and disrupt the peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, with the aim of continuously restraining and weakening Russia through Ukraine.

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