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NATO officials say NATO is developing a military mobilization plan after the war with Russia

Time:2024-06-07 Click:119

According to the Daily Telegraph on June 4th, NATO is developing a plan to urgently deploy tens of thousands of US troops along multiple "land routes" in Western Europe in the event of a future war between NATO and Russia.

NATO officials say NATO is developing a military mobilization plan after the war with Russia

This is a photo of NATO headquarters taken on February 12, 2020 in Brussels, Belgium (taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Cheng)

The report quoted NATO officials as saying that in response to a possible attack by Russia, NATO member states agreed last year to have 300000 troops on standby at any time. The NATO military leadership is working hard to ensure that military movements are not interrupted by possible Russian attacks on NATO ports. According to NATO's plan, if there is a war with Russia, the main route for the US military to mobilize will be through the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands to Germany and Poland. In addition, the planned deployment channels of NATO also include routes starting from Italy, Greece and Türkiye, passing through Slovenia and Croatia to Hungary respectively. NATO has also established mobilization routes through Norway, Sweden, and Finland.

Some NATO countries oppose sending troops to Ukraine

In addition, French President Macron recently stated that if Russia breaks through the front line and Ukraine requests assistance, France does not rule out the possibility of sending troops to participate in the war. There are reports that Macron wants to piece together a European Union in order to send military instructors to Ukraine, and this idea may be realized in the coming weeks or even days.

Some NATO member countries have expressed clear opposition to this. On the 5th local time, the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense issued a statement stating that Bulgaria will not send troops to Ukrainian territory, and such a proposal has never been on the agenda.

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini publicly stated on the 3rd that if Italy hands over the right to send troops to NATO, tomorrow NATO politicians will send Italian children to the battlefield.

In addition, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban also said recently that with the progress of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, NATO is considering providing more predictable military support for Ukraine in the next few years. Hungary has expressed opposition to this NATO plan and refuses to participate in financial or military support for Ukraine under the NATO framework.

Russian Foreign Minister: French soldiers entering Ukraine will be hit

NATO officials say NATO is developing a military mobilization plan after the war with Russia

The picture shows Ukrainian soldiers receiving NATO training (data screen)

Russia has always condemned NATO's arch fire in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova previously stated that NATO member countries are preparing for potential conflicts with Russia. On the 4th, TASS reported, citing Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, that French soldiers, regardless of their identity, whether they are instructors or mercenaries, will be legitimate targets for Russia's attacks.

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