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Sold out in less than 20 minutes! 20-year special treasury bond bonds were sold, and nearly 700 million lines of China Merchants Bank and Zhejiang Mer

Time:2024-05-28 Click:74

On May 27, some banks sold the 2024 ultra long term special treasury bond bonds (Phase II) to individual investors. According to China Business News, similar to the 2024 ultra long term special treasury bond (Phase I) ("24 special treasury bond 01", bond code 2400001) a week ago, the banks involved in the sale of "24 special treasury bond 02" (bond code 2400002) are still a small number of banks such as China Merchants Bank and Zhejiang Merchants Bank.

Previously, on May 24, the Ministry of Finance issued 2024 ultra long term special treasury bond (Phase II), the first batch of 20-year varieties, by way of bidding. The planned issuance amount was 40 billion yuan as the same as Phase I, and the coupon rate was determined to be 2.49%. Interest will begin to accrue on May 25, 2024, and distribution will take place from the end of bidding until May 27. Trading will begin on May 29.

Since May 25 and 26 are weekends, the distribution window of "24 Special treasury bond 02" is only one day on May 27, and the time is 10:00~15:30. (For details, please refer to the report "The limited opening date of 30-year special treasury bond: the purchase window for individual investors is only one day, and some banks are sold out")

According to the customer service introduction of China Merchants Bank, the ultra long term special treasury bond (Phase II) in 2024 will be bookkeeping treasury bond, and the sales target will be individual customers with risk ratings of A3 and above (minors and foreigners cannot buy it); The sales channels include mobile banking, personal banking PC version (including various login methods), and counter channels (proxy handling is not allowed).

The reporter noticed that, in contrast, the purchase channel set by China Merchants Bank for the bonds increased the mobile banking channel. Previously, the purchase channel of the ultra long term special treasury bond bonds (Phase I) in 2024 was only online banking and counter channels, and mobile banking could not be operated temporarily. At present, in addition to purchasing, customers can also see relevant positions and participate in secondary market transactions on China Merchants Bank's mobile banking platform.

Zheshang Bank also launched the sale of "24 special treasury bond bonds 02" at 10:00 am that day. From the perspective of the quota, near 10:00, the mobile banking APP of Zhejiang Merchants Bank showed that the remaining available shares were 800000, corresponding to the quota of 80 million yuan, higher than the quota of 30 million yuan of "24 Special treasury bond 01". The mobile banking APP of China Merchants Bank shows that the available shares are 5 million, and the corresponding amount is 500 million yuan, which is the same as the amount of "24 Special treasury bond 01".

Previously, on May 20, China Merchants Bank and Zhejiang Merchants Bank sold 30-year "24 Special treasury bond 01" (coupon rate 2.57%) to individual investors, with sales quota of 500 million yuan and 30 million yuan respectively, and subscription was hot. Zhejiang Merchants Bank increased the quota of 10 million yuan after the first OTC listing of 20 million yuan, and soon sold out. From the sales heat of this time, the above-mentioned 80 million yuan quota of Zhejiang Commercial Bank has been sold out in less than 10 minutes. Several account managers have stated that the bank added some quota around 10:30. The reporter checked the bank's mobile banking app at that time, which showed that the available purchase quota exceeded 940000 units, and sales exceeded half in less than 15 minutes;

According to the mobile banking app of China Merchants Bank, the bank has a total amount of 500 million yuan

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