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The Xiaomi SU7, which has just been purchased for less than a month, has "brake failure". The owner claimed that the rescue phone was not answered, an

Time:2024-05-14 Click:88

On the evening of May 8th, Mr. Li from Leiyang, Hunan, was driving a newly purchased Xiaomi SU7 car that had not been a month old. During the parking process, the brakes seemed to suddenly malfunction, and an alarm sounded inside the car. Four abnormal messages, including "brake system malfunction," appeared on the screen. Due to slow reverse speed, the vehicle automatically stopped and Mr. Li called the SOS emergency system in the car, but there was no response for a long time. After an hour and a half, local road rescue arrived to tow the vehicle back to the Changsha delivery center.

Strangely, after the car was sent for inspection, it suddenly "healed". The after-sales service said it could be driven away at any time, but Mr. Li dared not. He hoped to find out the cause of the vehicle malfunction.

Local road rescue arrived at the scene and towed the vehicle back to the delivery center in Changsha

Car owner: Pressing the brake no longer feels damping

No one answered the 24-hour rescue call

On May 12th, Mr. Li, the owner of this Xiaomi SU7, told reporters about the process of its malfunction.

The Xiaomi SU7 purchased by Mr. Li is the standard founding version, priced at 215900 yuan. He picked up the car at the Xiaomi Delivery Center in Xiangjiang International Automobile City, Changsha, Hunan on April 10th. On the evening of May 8th, the above-mentioned malfunction occurred on the roadside near the Luqifeng Bridge on Xihu East Road in Leiyang, Hunan.

"At that time, I was looking for a parking spot on the roadside and suddenly encountered a problem while reversing. When I stepped on the brake pedal, I found it empty, and the brakes had no foot sensation or damping sensation. Then, there were several warning sounds in the car, but they quickly disappeared." According to the car information provided by Li Xiansheng, there were four abnormalities on the screen, namely "limited braking performance, please drive carefully", "brake system malfunction, please park safely on the side", "automatic parking malfunction", and "abnormal uphill assistance function". ".

The Xiaomi SU7, which has just been purchased for less than a month, has "brake failure". The owner claimed that the rescue phone was not answered, and after-sales service: software misjudgment

4 anomalies appearing on the screen

Mr. Li explained that he had almost stopped the car at the time and found that the brakes were not working while adjusting the direction.

"The car's battery is normal and there is no power outage. As it is parked in reverse, the speed is only a few yards and not very fast. After braking problems occur, the car has kinetic energy to recover and slowly stops on its own." Mr. Li said that his Xiaomi SU7 has a mileage of 2005 kilometers.

Mr. Li claimed that he called Xiaomi's 400-182-6888 online service hotline, but there was no answer for nearly half an hour. Subsequently, the SOS emergency call system inside the car was called and transferred to the emergency road rescue center, but no one answered.

"The malfunction occurred at 7:43 pm. I made a rescue call around 7:50 pm, and the road rescue arrived at 9:10 pm. The road rescue call should be answered 24 hours a day, but for some reason, there has been no answer," Mr. Li said.

The Xiaomi SU7, which has just been purchased for less than a month, has "brake failure". The owner claimed that the rescue phone was not answered, and after-sales service: software misjudgment

Mr. Li is waiting for rescue personnel on the roadside, and he said that the Xiaomi car service hotline has been unanswered for half an hour

Is it judged as software misjudgment after inspection?

Mr. Li told reporters that on the evening of May 8th, after the local road rescue arrived, the car was towed back to the Xiaomi Automobile Delivery Center of Changsha Xiangjiang International Automobile City overnight. After arriving at the store, the staff worked overtime to check in the early morning and gave a response the next morning.

"The diagnostic result was that there was an issue with their electronic software, stating that the car's brakes had one main brake and one auxiliary brake. The electronic software intervened on its own, but the auxiliary brake misidentified and misjudged that there was a problem with my main brake. Then, the brake fluid from the main brake was pumped into the auxiliary brake, causing a few seconds of no braking during this process, resulting in weak braking effect in the future."

Mr. Li said that experts also came to Beijing overnight and checked again. "The experts in Beijing also told me the same thing, and then the after-sales service told me that the car's brakes did not fail and could still be stopped after a while. They said that my subjective feelings were not accurate, meaning that the decrease in brake pressure caused my feet to feel less comfortable."

Mr. Li disagreed with the statement that the brakes did not fail. "When I went to check the data myself, I found that the pressure value was zero for a few seconds when I stepped on it. I asked him what the situation was, and they stopped talking."

Mr. Li told reporters that Xiaomi's after-sales service showed him the data of brake pressure at the beginning, but his later request for the data was unsuccessful.

"If driving on high speed and the brake pressure value reaches zero within 1 to 2 seconds, is it possible to collide within one or two seconds?" Mr. Li said.

The Xiaomi SU7, which has just been purchased for less than a month, has "brake failure". The owner claimed that the rescue phone was not answered, and after-sales service: software misjudgment

The picture shows the inspection results

Car owner: The fault has been automatically eliminated,

After sales asked me to continue driving

The reporter obtained a feedback document on the condition of the vehicle: there are two brake controllers (main BCP and auxiliary BCS) on the vehicle. Under normal circumstances, when the driver applies the brake, the BCP responds primarily to the driver's braking needs, while the BCS assists in backup; If encountering a BCP degradation situation, the BCS will directly respond to the braking demand and control the vehicle's braking deceleration. On May 8th, the BCP software encountered a misidentification, the BCP braking function was degraded, and the large screen reported a brake system malfunction... The driver stepped on the pedal and felt "insufficient foot force". On May 9th, the vehicle arrived at the store for inspection, and at around 2:53, the large screen brake fault prompt disappeared... The conclusion is that after the BCP software self-test, the BCP error state disappeared, and the BCP brake force and foot feel returned to normal.

Mr. Li told reporters that the fault prompt was still displayed when the car was being towed away, and when he arrived at the delivery center, he saw that the fault prompt had indeed been eliminated. "Then they explained to me that the car automatically repaired and can be driven away at any time. Do I dare to drive it?"

The Xiaomi SU7, which has just been purchased for less than a month, has "brake failure". The owner claimed that the rescue phone was not answered, and after-sales service: software misjudgment

The picture is a screenshot of the chat record provided by Mr. Li

A screenshot of a WeChat chat provided by Mr. Li shows that the after-sales personnel stated that after operating the vehicle system self-test program on May 9th, it has been restored and the vehicle can be accessed at any time; If you are unwilling to use this car again, we have applied to the headquarters and they have approved your request for a replacement/return.

Mr. Li said that Xiaomi has stated that they can return or exchange the car according to regulations, but he wants to know if the car has experienced brake failure and why there has been no response for road rescue?

Mr. Li received feedback that Changsha Xiaomi after-sales needs to report the issue to the headquarters, but it is still in the process of reporting.

On the afternoon of May 12th, the reporter called the Xiaomi Automobile Delivery Center at Xiangjiang International Automobile City in Changsha. An after-sales manager stated that after collecting the reporter's personal information, a dedicated person would answer the reporter's questions. However, as of the time of writing, the reporter had not received a reply from Xiaomi.

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