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Macron made a big world news story

Time:2024-02-29 Click:117

The picture shows Macron, whose claim does not exclude Western countries directly sending troops to Ukraine

It has to be said that Macron is really a public opinion expert who easily made a big news story about the world.

Anyway, Europe and the United States both feel like they are being led by his nose and have to discuss his proposal: Western countries should directly send troops to Ukraine.

Please note that it is no longer about providing aid to aircraft, artillery, and missiles, but directly sending troops to help Ukraine fight and meet with Russia on the battlefield.

Going to the battlefield will definitely result in death. Is the West really willing?

Anyway, Biden shook his head like a tambourine. The White House immediately made it clear that the United States will not send troops, and the United States will not allow NATO to send troops.

Schultz is resolute, Germany will never send troops, and Germany will prevent the escalation of the war. "There will be no German soldiers on Ukrainian soil... Our country and its military structure will not be involved in this war."

After a look, except for the United States and Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Czech Republic, and others are all against it, and Sweden, which is about to join NATO, is also against it. The Slovak Prime Minister was even more afraid, saying that he couldn't imagine the scene of NATO soldiers appearing on Ukrainian territory.

The whole West opposes it, but why does Macron still say it?

At the Ukraine International Aid Conference held in Paris on February 26th, Macron said that the West must take all means to prevent Russia from winning the war. Therefore, as the situation changes, no option can be ruled out, including directly sending troops.

He also defended himself by saying that those who are still saying "no" today also said two years ago, "We will never provide tanks or planes."; Two years ago, some people around this table said that we would provide sleeping bags and helmets; But now, what people are discussing is how to provide these military aid faster and more

Macron made a big world news story

Macron and Zelensky shake hands and communicate

Is it reasonable?

It makes sense that Western aid is like cutting sausages, step by step, and Russia is helpless.

But Macron's words are clearly pointing fingers and cursing locusts.

He is mocking Scholz. Didn't you say before that Germany only provided sleeping bags and helmets, but later on they still offered Panther tanks. You still refuse to provide Taurus missiles now, it's not interesting enough!

I always feel that when he said he wanted to send troops to Ukraine, Macron successfully played a big game.

1. Give Ukraine a boost.

Due to recent setbacks on the battlefield, the morale of the Ukrainian army has been greatly damaged. At a critical moment, Macron cheered and directly said that we need to prepare to send troops. Although I know this is the painted pancake, for Ukraine today, it is a great gift.

2. Issue deterrence to Putin.

Don't think we dare not see each other on the battlefield. If we really send troops, what can you do with Russia? According to Western media analysis, through this open-ended statement, Macron intends to "send a deterrent signal to Putin.". It's also a bargaining chip for France in the future.

3. It is also putting pressure on the United States.

The United States is Ukraine's largest foreign aid country, but the political struggle in the United States has delayed the implementation of US aid, and Macron is also putting pressure on the United States. If you don't pay quickly, we will have to go straight to the battlefield. If there's really trouble, come and take care of it. The final point is this: Americans cannot rely on the United States, Europe cannot rely on the United States

4. It is also challenging Germany.

Anyway, after Merkel's retirement, the relationship between Germany and France has been bumpy. So, when you look at Macron's speeches in Paris, many of them are aimed directly at Scholz with guns and sticks. Germany, don't be stingy. Hurry up and give money to tanks and Taurus missiles.

5. Show French leadership.

We don't know when we will send troops, but in just one sentence, it will drive the entire Western public opinion. It has to be said that Macron really has a set.

Macron made a big world news story

The United States' aid to Ukraine far exceeds that of France

Of course, it may also be masking two issues.

One issue is the contradiction within France. There are really many contradictions, and Macron also has a headache. Otherwise, he wouldn't have just changed the Prime Minister. With this kind of diplomacy, everyone's attention will shift, and the domestic pressure will be reduced a lot.

Another issue is that France's aid to Ukraine is too limited. Looking at Western aid data, the United States is the leader in military aid, while the European Union is the biggest spender. Specifically, for European countries, Germany or France? France lags far behind Germany, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, and others.

That is to say, France didn't actually spend much money (perhaps some of it in the EU, but Germany undoubtedly provided more) and didn't provide much weapons, but Macron had the ability to make Ukraine grateful, and the French were more reliable; It also makes the world believe that France has done a lot, definitely more than Germany, and even sent troops to help Ukraine.

This is the ability!

Will troops be sent or not? Or rather, will France send troops?

Macron said, I cannot say, I want to maintain strategic ambiguity.

But within France, there is a frying pan. Le Pen, the leader of the far right political party "National Front," criticized Macron for disregarding the lives of his citizens; The leader of the far left political party France, who refuses to surrender, believes that Macron is crazy.

Looking at Moscow again, Kremlin spokesperson Peskov also stated that if NATO really sends troops, "in this situation, what we need to discuss is not the possibility of direct conflict, but the inevitability." Russian officials also said that if this is true, it can be seen as NATO declaring war on Russia.

Russia is not a bad country, as the whole world knows. If it is really pushed, it is not Ukraine, but the entire Europe is at war.

From this perspective, Scholz is very clear headed and resolutely cannot send troops. As for the Taurus missile, it is an offensive weapon with a range of over 500 kilometers, and the Ukrainian army can use it to directly hit Moscow. So, we cannot provide it.

The conflict in Ukraine, Germany is the biggest culprit. But the more sober Germany is, the more it adheres to principles, and the more opportunities the United States and France have to hype up issues.

Macron made a big world news story

Macron gave a sarcastic speech to Scholz, and the picture shows the two meeting and taking a group photo

So, Macron is definitely not crazy. Even if France were to die, it would not be the first to send troops, and governing the country is not entirely a rational issue. Macron likes to stand out from the crowd, simply throwing out a military issue and successfully becoming the protagonist of the West. You have to admire his ability to manipulate international public opinion.

Biden must be very impressed, sighing with himself that it's not like; Schultz is even more embarrassed, Macron, you are too damaging.

You should know that in order to help Ukraine, Germany has spent the most money in Europe, contributed the most weapons in Europe, and even sacrificed its own North Stream pipeline, and even increased its GDP. However, it has been criticized by Ukraine for being too stingy and mocked by Macron, always unwilling to give up.

When Macron was pointing fingers and cursing, Scholz sat next to Macron, his face turning red and white.

In this world, those who can do things are not as good as those who can speak, and those who can speak are not as good as those who can come. Germany's face is being slapped by Macron!

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