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Xi Emphasizing the important mission of focusing on the construction of the "Five Centers" during the inspection in Shanghai

Time:2023-12-04 Click:128

Xi Emphasizing the important mission of focusing on the construction of the "Five Centers" during the inspection in Shanghai

Focusing on the important mission of building the "Five Centers"

Accelerate the construction of a socialist modernized international metropolis

On the way back to Beijing, inspect in Yancheng, Jiangsu

Cai Qi accompanied the inspection

With reform and opening up as the driving force, major national strategies as the traction, and urban governance modernization as the guarantee, we have the courage to pioneer and actively act to accelerate the building of a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence, and give full play to the leading and exemplary role in promoting Chinese path to modernization.

  He combined electronic screens and important listed product delivery displays to listen to the introduction of the exchange's enhanced global resource allocation capabilities, services to the real economy and national strategies, and to understand the exchange's daily fund management and delivery settlement matters. 

  He combined video clips to understand the overall situation of scientific and technological innovation in Shanghai, walked into the exhibition hall to carefully examine the display of scientific and technological innovation achievements in basic research, artificial intelligence, biomedicine and other fields, and had cordial exchanges with representatives of scientific researchers.   We should focus on cultivating a large number of cutting-edge talents with a sense of mission, and create favorable conditions for them to exert their intelligence and intelligence.

In recent years, Shanghai has accelerated the construction of affordable rental housing, providing housing security for many new citizens, young people, and frontline workers who come to Shanghai.     He has entered the shared spaces of community residential and dormitory rental housing tenants, as well as public kitchens and laundry rooms, to carefully understand the living conditions of frontline workers living here.       Cities not only need height, but also temperature. Our socialism is about taking the path of common prosperity. Migrant workers who come to Shanghai to make contributions are also the masters of the city. We must practice the concept of a people's city, continuously meet the diverse and diverse housing needs of the people, and ensure that the migrant population can enter, stay, live safely, and succeed.

  Shanghai should take this as its main direction of attack, coordinate and drive various aspects of economic and social development, adhere to overall planning and coordinated promotion, focus on breakthroughs, use points to cover areas, and continuously improve the city's level and core competitiveness. To be led by technological innovation, strengthen key core technology research and development, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, accelerate the cultivation of world-class high-end industrial clusters, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, and continuously enhance the international economic center position and global economic governance influence. We should strengthen the construction of modern financial institutions and financial infrastructure, implement high-level financial opening up, better serve the real economy, scientific and technological innovation, and jointly build the "the Belt and Road". We need to deeply implement the strategy of upgrading free trade pilot zones and promote the upgrading of international trade centers. We need to accelerate the filling of gaps in high-end shipping services and enhance the global allocation capacity of shipping resources. To promote the construction of a high-level talent highland and create a good innovation ecosystem. We need to strengthen linkage with the Yangtze River Delta region and better leverage its radiating and driving role.

  To comprehensively and vigorously promote pioneering reforms and leading opening-up, strengthen the integration of reform systems, solidly promote the pilot of comprehensive reform in Pudong New Area, take the lead in conducting stress tests in Lingang New Area, steadily expand institutional openness in rules, regulations, management, standards, etc., deepen cross-border service trade and investment high-level opening-up, enhance the level of manufacturing openness, and further enhance the level of Hongqiao International Open Hub, Continue to host two-way open platforms such as the China International Import Expo, and accelerate the formation of a policy and institutional system with international competitiveness. We must adhere to the "two unwavering principles", deepen the reform of state-owned assets and enterprises, implement policies and measures to ensure the fair participation of private enterprises in market competition, create an international first-class business environment, stimulate the vitality of various business entities, and enhance the attractiveness of high-end resources at home and abroad.

  Strive to find a new path for modernizing the governance of mega cities with Chinese characteristics. We must take enhancing people's livelihood and well-being as the starting point and foothold of urban construction and governance, integrate the entire process of people's democracy into the modernization of urban governance, build an urban governance community where everyone participates, takes responsibility, contributes, and shares, bridge the "last mile" of serving the people, seriously solve problems related to the vital interests of the people, adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao Experience" of the new era, and improve the grassroots governance system, Building a solid foundation for social harmony and stability.

  Persistently using the ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era to solidify our hearts and souls, widely practicing the core socialist values, consolidating the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field, and further strengthening mainstream values, mainstream public opinion, and mainstream culture through the intersection and integration of various cultures. We should pay attention to inheriting the urban context, strengthening the protection of cultural relics and heritage, inheriting and promoting red culture, deepening the implementation of cultural welfare projects, solidly promoting the creation of mass spiritual civilization, deepening and expanding the construction of new era civilization practice centers, promoting the construction of a scholarly society, and comprehensively improving the civilized quality of citizens and the level of urban civilization.

  Shanghai is the birthplace of our party. We must make good use of red resources such as the site of the First National Congress, promote the great spirit of party building, educate and guide party members and cadres to remember the "three musts", and explore and innovate, forge ahead, and truly work hard on the new journey. We must implement the organizational line of the Party in the new era, implement the standards for good cadres in the new era, and build a high-quality and professional cadre team that matches the socialist modernization of the international metropolis. We need to grasp the characteristics of mega cities, innovate the ideas and models of grassroots party building work, and improve the grassroots organizational system of the party. We must resolutely oppose and punish corruption, promote the unity of not daring to corrupt, not wanting to corrupt, and maintain a clean and upright political ecology. The second batch of theme education is nearing its end, and we must adhere to the same standards and maintain the same enthusiasm. We must combine theme education with various aspects of work, and achieve two pronged approaches, two no mistakes, and two promotions.

  In the exhibition hall, photos, historical materials, cultural relics, and simulated scenes fully showcase the glorious history of the New Fourth Army's rebirth and bloody struggle.   He emphasized that the history of the New Fourth Army fully demonstrates that the people's hearts determine the choice of history, and that the country is the people, and the people are the country. This is a vivid textbook for carrying out revolutionary tradition education and patriotism education. We should make good use of this textbook, educate and guide party members and cadres to inherit and carry forward the spirit of not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of difficulties, daring to struggle, and daring to win. We should closely rely on the people, and continuously push forward the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Director of the General Office of the Central Committee, accompanied the inspection.

Li Ganjie, He Lifeng, and officials from relevant departments of the central and state organs accompanied each other to participate in the above-mentioned activities. The leaders of the Fifth Tour Guidance Group of the Central Committee for Theme Education attended the report meeting.

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