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Hamas delegation meets with Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister in Moscow

Time:2023-10-28 Click:167

Hamas delegation meets with Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister in Moscow

On October 27th, according to Russian media reports such as Russia News Agency and TASS News Agency, a Hamas delegation visiting Moscow met with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Bageri and the Iranian Ambassador to Russia.

The Hamas delegation visited Moscow, and Israel's temper has returned.

On October 26th local time, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lior Haiat posted on social media X, demanding that Russia expel the Hamas visiting delegation as it would be seen as supporting "terrorism".

The spokesperson of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs shouted to Russia

Hamas is a worse terrorist organization than the Islamic State, "Hayat said." The hands of senior Hamas officials are stained with the blood of over 1400 Israelis, who massacred, murdered, executed, and burned them. They are responsible for the kidnapping of over 220 Israelis, including infants, children, women, and the elderly

Hayat stated, "Israel condemns inviting senior Hamas officials to visit Moscow as an act of supporting terrorism and legitimizing the atrocities of Hamas terrorists

We call on the Russian government to immediately expel Hamas terrorists, "he said.

On the 26th, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that a delegation led by Musa Abu Marzuk, a senior member of the Hamas Political Committee, has arrived in Moscow. The theme of their talks with Russia is the release of hostages and the safe evacuation of Russian and other foreign personnel currently trapped in Gaza due to Israel's blockade.

Information map of Hamas Political Committee member Marzuk

According to a report by "Russia Today" on the 26th, Iranian Foreign Minister Abdulrahijan revealed at the United Nations General Assembly that Hamas is ready to release civilian hostages, but the international community needs to pay attention to the 6000 Palestinians detained in Israeli prisons.

In addition to the continuous air strikes on the Gaza Strip, Israel's recent fire has already spread beyond Gaza.

On October 24th, United Nations Secretary General Guterres condemned the current situation in Gaza as a "clear violation" of humanitarian law. He called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire to alleviate this immense suffering, facilitate the safer distribution of aid, and promote the release of hostages.

Guterres' remarks angered Israel, citing diplomatic officials' criticism of Guterres as justification for Hamas's bloody attack on October 7th and demanding his immediate resignation. A day later, the storm was still fermenting. Although Guterres provided an explanation on the 25th, stating that he was "shocked" by the "distortion" of his remarks, Israel rejected his explanation and once again demanded Guterres' resignation.

On the 25th, Israel burned its anger again towards China and Russia. Due to joint opposition from China, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates, the draft resolution on the Palestinian Israeli issue by the United States on that day was not approved by the United Nations Security Council.

Israel's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Erdan, claimed that the voting results were "shocking". He also criticized China and Russia by name, claiming that those who opposed the draft would face similar terrorist attacks

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