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Hamas leader Haniya delivered a speech calling for not leaving the northern Gaza Strip

Time:2023-10-16 Click:152

According to Agence France Presse, the leader of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) Politburo, Haniya, issued a television speech on the 14th, calling on Palestinians not to leave the northern Gaza Strip. According to reports, Israel has recently demanded that all residents in the northern Gaza Strip withdraw to the southern region.

Hamas Leader Haniya Source: Al Jazeera Qatar

According to the report, in response to the Israeli military's recent demand for all residents in the northern Gaza Strip to withdraw to the southern region, Haniya told the Palestinians in his speech, "I say no to being forced to withdraw from Gaza and say no to being forced to withdraw from Gaza to Egypt. Our decision is to stay on our territory, "Hania said." We hope our territory is not occupied

In addition, the report also stated that when it comes to Hamas's strike on targets located in Israel on the 7th of this month, Hania stated in his speech on the 14th that this is a "strategic strike" that will help "liberate us".

The report mentioned that earlier on the 14th, Hania also wrote a letter to UN Secretary General Guterres condemning Israel's "barbaric blockade" of the Gaza Strip and "preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip". According to the report, Hania urged Guterres to pressure Israel to allow humanitarian aid to arrive in the Gaza Strip.

According to previous reports by multiple foreign media outlets such as "Russia Today", Hamas launched a rocket attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip on the 7th, and Israel subsequently launched strikes on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, leading to the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Israeli Defense Minister Galant said on the 9th that he has instructed the Israeli military to "fully blockade" the Gaza Strip. On the same day, Israeli Energy Minister Katz stated that he had ordered Israel to cut off its water supply to the Gaza Strip. On the 13th, the Israeli military issued a statement demanding that all residents in the northern Gaza Strip withdraw to the southern region, stating that the withdrawal was for "humanitarian" reasons and "to ensure the safety of residents in the northern Gaza Strip". Multiple Palestinian media outlets have reported that the Hamas media office has called this "false propaganda" and "psychological warfare" by the Israeli side, calling on Palestinians not to be misled. As of the 15th, the conflict has resulted in nearly 4000 deaths on both sides.

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